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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A New Dawn - [ALL KINGDOM] (Activity check)

    Faith is the bird that feels the light

    when the dawn is still dark.

    No matter how often she flitted around the kingdom, the 'Falls always seemed so empty compared to the Amazons. Here there were mostly small animals, some birds and a handful of birds. The jungle though was a plethora of creatures, big and small. She was starting to miss the morning wake up call of the big cats and the playful banter of the parrots, but she knew it was not yet time for her to return. There was still so much she could learn about her host home.

    As she sat in her waterfall nook, she call reached her ears above the rush of water the flowed by. She quickly flew out from the water and came to the ground where she shifted and moved towards the source of the call. She arrived shortly after Texas to see Tiberios standing on the border of the kingdom. She was quiet as he spoke about revival (a constant battle in any kingdom) and as he spoke about restructuring the ranks, Malka quickly realized he was much more than just a kingdom member doing his duty to great incoming horses. She listened intently as he spoke of a council, but was quite shocked when she was named it's first member. Her ears flick back a moment in slight puzzlement (for the barely know anything about her), but she was quiet. Texas, though, was not and Malka took some relief in his words - for they were a concern that she too had.

    In some sense though, if she did have any say, it reminded her of how her own mother had ended up in the 'Falls. Though from Malka's limited understanding, her mother had been placed as queen and the 'Falls had been a subkingdom. Jadis had even recruited her father to the 'Falls where he rose in the ranks and was appointed king when her mother stepped down to return to her Jungle home. Her mother had been disliked by many of the 'Falls horses and her father even more so as a newcomer rising quickly to the throne.

    Tiberios continues though to speak of his son and his absence and then speaks of the Chamber. Malka gives an involuntary shiver as her thoughts go back to her past among the Chamber -- one of many reasons she had taken on the offer to become a healer. One had saved her life and she had been beaten, raped and starved. After her escape, her and her new daughter had collapsed in the Jungle. A healer was brought in and while he had healed their bodies, he had not been able to heal their minds from the horrors they had suffered at the hands of the Chamber, its slave pens and its members.

    "Be careful. The chamber is not a kingdom to be trusted," she says heavily, her tail whipping against her hocks with added emphasis. "If you need some assistance, I would gladly accompany you, as it is not a place I think anyone should ever travel alone," she adds. She stands quietly in their little trio, but they are soon interrupted by another paint mare. Malka watches as she runs up to Texas and the hardened man has a moment of softness. Malka does not say anything for she knows not how he would react to being teased, but instead takes a step aside to allow the child better speaking room with her father.


    immortal, quetzal-shifting Erinak of the 'Zons

    (OOC: Rodrik murdered Malka's father in the 'Zons and I thought it would be amusing if they by chance met up and she realized he too was from the Chamber)

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    RE: A New Dawn - [ALL KINGDOM] (Activity check) - by Malka - 09-30-2015, 09:15 AM

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