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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the wicked shall receive their reward; Mast/any

    From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward

    Kronk stopped his pacing and teeth grinding long enough to nod a greeting to the buckskin stallion that approached him. It wasn’t Mast, but Kronk didn’t care. He needed warm bodies with beating hearts that yearned of justice. If Magnus was that, he was exactly who Kronk had been looking for. It didn’t matter if they had yet to meet, that was being rectified now.

    “Magnus.” Kronk said somewhat gravely. 

    “Well met, I’m Kronk.”
    His face was sober, but his words were sincere. Deep beneath the rage, the bitterness and the sense of betrayal, the tobiano stallion yearned for brothers in arms, for comrades he could count to have this back.

    Next young Anker approached, and the colt’s appearance brought a small smile to his face. They had met before, and he quickly discovered that the boy was a man after his own heart. Brave, perhaps a little reckless, with the healthy love of a good meal. He nodded in agreement with Anker.

    “Aye, he’s right. The Chamber attacked, burned our tree, and stole our queen with the little princess by her side.” The rage resurfaced, and flame licked the back of his eyes. However, he wished could be as confident as Anker. He wished they could get the Chamber back. But, they were small, they didn’t have the man power or the fire power the Chamber had brought. A fire wielder, a plant manipulator and two of the most vicious horses Kronk had the pleasure of encountering. The Gate’s small army couldn’t survive an all out blitz attack. They needed a plan. Kronk had the beginning of one.

    “Oh, we’ll get them back.” He said, with a fine show to confidence he wasn’t sure he had.

    “But we can’t just attack. We need allies. A kingdom that brutal must have made some enemies, we should go to our neighbors and join forces. I say we head to the Falls, and see if they too have been spurned by Straia and her merry men.” Kronk grinned wickedly. They would find allies and maybe then they could get ‘em back. There was one more thing however, that must be done.

    “But, we need to see Fiasko and her little daughter. We need to let them know that they’re not alone, that we haven’t forgotten them. I propose we split into two groups. One goes to the Falls and one goes to the Chamber. The Chamber group will be taking a grave risk, but I don’t see another way.” He didn’t believe the Chamber would be so low as to hold a delegation hostage, but he couldn’t be sure of that. He, himself, would go if that was the best course. He would never ask someone to do something he would not. With his speech delivered he looked down to Anker. Credit must be given where credit was due.

    “You fought very bravely during the raid, Anker. You did your kingdom proud, there are many grown men who wouldn’t have been so bold.” He wasn’t exactly sure if Anker had joined the fray on purpose. But, it had been brave none the less. Kronk had caught just a glimpse of the bloated colt hurtling towards one of the attackers. If their situation hadn’t been so dire Kronk would have laughed.



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    RE: the wicked shall receive their reward; Mast/any - by Kronk - 10-10-2015, 07:02 PM

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