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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    between heaven and hell; straia

    His discomfort is obvious, and for once, Straia decides to be polite and not pry. She had met the mare only once, and had little to go on, but she can’t quite imagine growing up with a dragon for a mother. But then again, she had a monster for a father, and that has always seemed terribly normal to her. Maybe having a dragon for a mother is also terribly normal. She wouldn’t know. She hadn’t had her mother for very long, though she thinks she was probably lucky for having a good, kind mother even at all.

    They were apparently rare.

    Even Straia wasn’t exactly kind. Though she loved her son fiercely – that was not in question – but she never said it. Really, she was lucky though, she son might freak out and run away if she ever actually said “I love you” to him (or really, to anyone). He wouldn’t know what to do with that sentiment just as much as she had no idea how to express it. Other, of course, than to burn the Jungle to the ground if they didn’t return him soon.

    He switches to Rodrik, and Straia chuckles lightly – not really amused, but something dark and deadly in that laugh. Her father and her had one hell of a volatile relationship.  She’s pretty sure he murdered her mother. He did his best to keep her off the Chamber throne. She overthrew him and sold him to the Valley. If given the chance, she’d kill him. If given the chance, he’d probably kill her too.

    “No, I imagine it was very tactful. He did, after all, overthrow that side of the family. I existed only to tie the two bloodlines together and give him some tiny bit of legitimacy. Shame for him I’ve always been rather curious though.” She has found out bits and pieces here, most of it through the history of the Chamber itself, which was pretty hard to keep quiet.

    But she never knew much on a personal level. And she never would. The raven’s couldn’t pick up that information as easily as they could stories of the dragon that burned that Chamber. Some things are more readily talked about than others. But he offers information, and really, she doesn’t know what to ask. She wants to know everything, but at the same time, does not intend to force him to drag up memories he doesn’t want to. But still, she does want to know. At least this. “Did you know my mother? “ Because she barely remembers Frostweaver, and she wonders what the rest of the world thought of her. The imagine in Straia’s mind might just be a dream.


    the raven queen of the chamber

    image © Squirt

    Messages In This Thread
    between heaven and hell; straia - by Tarnished - 10-09-2015, 02:33 PM
    RE: between heaven and hell; straia - by Straia - 10-12-2015, 08:54 AM

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