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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    watch earth b u r n >> nayl
    She spun the stars on her fingernails
    Lokii. His name slipped past mother's lips a time or two but it was taken back and muddled with other memories in desperate attempt to erase him. Nayl recalls those moments of staring at her mother wondering who this other man was; he certainly wasn't father. As much as she wanted to know - her curiosity nipped at her heels - Nayl never pressed into Myrina for answers. The child assumed his name would arise again and she could more easily pinpoint it and ask, but it hasn't since. Perhaps mother has nearly succeeded in dismissing that regretful (but such a playful) time of her life. Covet made her realize how much more to life there was. He gave her affection and three children that she still cherishes. Nayl wonders what Lokii might have ever given mother.

    He doesn't cross her mind until the poisonous voice slithers into ears and lifts her attention from the grass. He knows of mother and mentions her. Nayl looks at him placidly without ever turning her body to face him. "Excuse me?" She asks with a dismissing scoff. Perhaps this is him, her mind wonders and laughs; maybe this is the man that mother has tried to forget. The idea of it clouds her mind and she finds herself drawn into this little game of Guess Who, but he has already an idea of who she is. Still without turning to face him, she answers dryly. "Except eternally young," a coy grin plays on her lips. If only mother had the ability to live forever, but alas, age has quickly crept along Myrina's body. "And beautiful," she adds as an arrogant second thought followed by a short chuckle. For years Nayl didn't know of her immortality. How could she? However, as she watched others mature she began to realize how slowly she crept along. Although five isn't anywhere considered aged she somehow holds the innocent face of a three year old. In an experiment she had scraped her shoulder against a thorn. It was enough to draw blood but by the morning it had faded with little to no remnant of the incident ever happening.

    "You look about old enough to be a suitor for my mother," she remarks on his age with a lifted brow before addressing his question in a mildly cold tone. "And why would I give you the satisfaction of knowing my name so soon?" She blinks slowly and stares distantly toward the trees and open meadow.

    covet and myrina's creation

    Messages In This Thread
    watch earth b u r n >> nayl - by Lokii - 10-12-2015, 04:43 PM
    RE: watch earth b u r n >> nayl - by Nayl - 10-12-2015, 09:01 PM
    RE: watch earth b u r n >> nayl - by Lokii - 10-19-2015, 02:23 PM
    RE: watch earth b u r n >> nayl - by Nayl - 11-02-2015, 04:53 PM

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