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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we are aching bones and wasted years; esileif

    you and I both know that the house is haunted
    and you and I both know that the ghost is me

    He laughs at her teasing, unruffled by the sternness of her words. “The struggle is amusing, I promise.” He was not above poking fun at himself; Magnus certainly did not take himself to seriously. He knew what a sight he was when he had first earned the eagle wings. While they were powerful, they were also completely foreign appendages to a stallion who had mastered control over his own body decades ago. He was not graceful at flight, and he had even struggled to run with his balance thrown off. So he had fought against it, practicing both for hours until it came naturally to him once more. He was not completely in control of the wings in fight, but he no longer struggled to get to his destination. It was getting easier.

    But, he too, is fine letting the subject rest.

    As they move through the kingdom, he glances toward her every so often, but for the most part watches the kingdom around them. It was truly beautiful. When she asks him about Mast, he sobers for a second, catching her gaze. “I do.” He had not known the stallion long, and in truth did not know him intimately, but that did not stop him from respecting the Gates’ King. “I have seen what happens to a kingdom when someone unworthy ascends the throne. It’s not pretty.” Briefly, he thinks of Everclear—the Valley stallion who had become Gates King after only a visit. It still left a bitter taste in his mouth to consider it.

    “Mast is worthy though. I am honored to serve him.”

    He does not miss the electricity that runs through her when he talks about the Chamber and the Gates, and it sparks something within his own belly. Perhaps she too understand the thrill of battle. Perhaps she too could understand the less-than-Light tendencies racing through his veins. “There are a lot of reasons that I think you would fit, Esileif,” he says softly, “and many of them are selfish. I think the Gates could benefit from having someone spirited and smart like you on their side. I think any kingdom would.”

    There is only a brief pause before he continues, “But I also think you could find purpose here. I think there is a chance for you to be on the right side of history, fighting alongside good people. I think you could hone your skills here and rise in the ranks—be rewarded for what you contribute.” Magnus shakes his handsome head, giving a crooked smile, “But, really, it comes down to what you want and what you think.”

    In his heart, he thinks she wants the Gates, knows the Gates wants her, but he doesn’t speak it aloud.


    once general. once lord. once king.

    © robert bejil photography
    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]

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    RE: we are aching bones and wasted years; esileif - by magnus - 11-07-2015, 07:15 PM

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