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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i struggled to find any truth in your lies - EVERYONE
    OOC – Okay so I think Kratos, Brennan and Simeon all kinda posted around the same time yesterday so my post doesn’t include Brennan in it. I was going to edit the other post but with Simeon’s post, I just decided to write another J  And since I already wrote it as if Brennan wasn’t there yet when he first arrived, I’ll just keep it that way if that’s okay – if not, let me know Devin!

    Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction

    Kratos doesn’t shift at the sound of wings as Brennan comes, he was far too accustomed to it through his childhood to be anything less than used to it now. When the bay warrior lands he offers him a nod of acknowledgment, it seemed the more scars a man carried the more likely Kratos was to like him. He had taken care to notice both Errant and Brennan had skin illustrated in them. Brennan speaks his piece about the Jungle women before he, too, offers Errant his support and this time it is without the scatter of sarcasm their first exchange had held. Kratos was sure, as old as they were, that the two stallions had had their share of bludgeons and bouts of the mouth throughout the years with each other but it seemed they were more akin to stand alongside one another than against.

    The bay roan with the soft-tongue and skin that smelled like mares and the Jungle came next and the words he speaks make Kratos’ black ears flick back against his skull. His eyes had only fell across him once before, when he saw him join the gathering when the iron mare had come to take Nihlus (and left with a king, too). Kratos is not unfamiliar with the Amazons, his own brother Tarnished was a prince of the Jungle once and he himself had ran his father’s dunes with Quark – a queen before Scorch’s predecessor. The Deserts and the Jungle had one of the oldest standing (if it still stood now, that is) alliances within these kingdoms – they were no stranger to the draft. And each time the Jungle’s earthy scent came his mouth crackled with lightning at the thought of Rhy – his Rhy, for he would make sure she would know no other. But he had heard the gossipmongers in the Meadow, the Jungle queen has been busy in the Deserts and elsewhere. Kratos had no desire to be ruled by proxy by some powerdrunk women in a kingdom far from where he lay he his head.

    “I do not even know your name, so no, I will not have you as my king,” he says, there is no malice in his voice but there is no softness in it either. He would serve Errant, but not a nameless stallion sent by his mother – he didn’t even carry the scent of ice on his skin yet. His gaze doesn’t shift to the Brothers as he locks gazes with Simeon, in truth Kratos has bridled his tongue today. He lifts a heavy foreleg and paws at the raw ground beneath his feet, the snow melted away from his radiating heat and he turns to Errant, “Would you have him sit beside you?” He asks the magician, because while it will not sway his mind he is genuinely curious, “do you know my name?” He swings his head back to Simeon, “or his?” He indicates to Brennan. He rolls a massive shoulder as if to emphasize the incredulity of the suggestion, “I would perhaps have you as a future brother, but not as my king,” he repeats before his attention flickers back to Errant – because he still wanted an answer to his question.

    For the whole land will be devoured by the fire of his hunger

    vanquish x lyric

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    RE: i struggled to find any truth in your lies - EVERYONE - by Kratos - 04-18-2015, 10:31 AM

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