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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM]

    I am iron and I forge myself

    The Khaleesi knew that by speaking her own preference, she would influence a few to choose the Gates as well, though she managed to keep the satisfaction in check when the next two or three to speak also counselled joining the Gates. No one else urges them to join the Chamber, for their own safety, and instead the discussion turns to mediation. Lagertha knows this is futile. Straia will not apologize, even if the Gates were willing to meet them in a neutral place to discuss reparations. It isn’t in their nature to be sorry for what they have done. The Chamberlings wanted chaos, they wanted war, and Straia was willing to bring it to them. But those words were words she could not reveal to her Sisters. That conversation had never happened.

    Lagertha listens quietly, paying attention to their words and nodding when appropriate. They have good points, of course - her women are smart and calculating. But she also heaves an unconscious sigh of relief when Prague appears in the middle of the conversation. Thank the old gods. Her presence was a boon and gave others a solid reason to leave them alone - as if the wrath of the Sisterhood was not enough. As for the Gates coming against them… she imagines that Magnus would never let that happen. Not when she has opened her land to him (nevermind that the presence of a girlfriend irked her to no end - his permission would need to be clarified). The Chamber, on the other hand, would probably love the challenge. If and when it all came to a head, she would make sure that it is well away from their beloved home.

    Silence falls and no one else steps forward; Lagertha is acutely aware of Lyris and Tantalize’s absences, and while she wishes they were there, there is nothing they can do about it. Onward and upward. Adrenaline begins to rush with the verdict that she already knows well before she announces the tally. “We will, of course, send someone to the Dale to advise them of our plans. Right now the vote stands at two for the Chamber, five for the Gates, three for mediation, and one abstention. Unless anyone else has something to add, we will aid the Gates. Details will be hammered out later, and as I mentioned before, no one will be forced to fight. In fact, we will need some to stay behind and protect the Jungle and children.” Her gaze flies briefly to Rhy, and then to Sunday and Teak. “Joscelin, take Naga with you to the Dale and let them know what we plan on doing. Keep an eye out for Ravens, they are the Chamber’s spies. I will go to the Chamber, and then to the Gates. Prague, if you would come with me to the Chamber, and Rhy, if would meet me at the Gates’ borders, I think that would be ideal.” Not that she couldn’t protect herself; touch her skin, threaten her enough to sprout the pods that spit the seeds that would now be covered in frog poison and illness is certain, death a very real possibility.

    Prague’s presence is blatant show of force, and keeps them from plucking anything from her mind. Rhy is her even keel, and even if she didn’t want to fight, Rhy would need to know the plan, just in case something were to go wrong.

    “Any questions?”  


    warrior queen of the amazons

    [let me know if i missed anything - i counted Prague as a vote for both mediation and the gates. things should get interesting from here on out!]

    Messages In This Thread
    of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Lagertha - 11-13-2015, 02:18 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Sarkis - 11-15-2015, 09:09 AM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Rhy - 11-16-2015, 10:25 AM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Sunday - 11-16-2015, 07:44 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Aoi - 11-19-2015, 03:01 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Nayl - 11-23-2015, 05:22 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Naga - 11-26-2015, 09:08 AM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Teak - 11-27-2015, 02:08 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Naga - 11-27-2015, 05:01 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by prague - 12-01-2015, 09:15 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Sunday - 12-02-2015, 12:45 AM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Lagertha - 12-03-2015, 02:16 PM
    RE: of eagles and lambs [ALL KINGDOM] - by Lyris - 12-05-2015, 02:36 AM

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