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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    between the shadows and the soul - gallows, fennick, warship

    Fennick had gotten used to being uncomfortable. It was not a position he was unfamiliar with. He was, however, entirely unused to this kind of discomfort. He wasn’t used to waiting. He was used to recklessly acting, and kicking himself for it later. He didn’t think it was possible, but he had the vaguely sickening feeling that his old method of operation was preferable. At least in this one instance.

    War brought out the best in all of us, he supposed.

    Even as a fire raven circled overhead, Fennick heard Gallows’ summons (there was no politer word for it) and muttered darkly under his breath. He didn’t mind it as much as he pretended to, but kept up appearances for the sake of plausible deniability.  If she ever did something truly horrendous he could just shrug and say something uncommitted like, “you know how Gallows is.” It wasn’t his most noble plan, but it was foolproof. Fennick like it when things were foolproof, it lowered the expectation of his own behavior somewhat.

    He made his way to the small group, feeling rather like a schemer meeting his co conspirators in secret. He supposed, in a way, that was exactly what he was doing. His wings, now flightless, but not less grand, arced over his head like a hood. He liked the way the fire danced across his inky black feathers. His meager vanity, however, was not a good enough reason to see the wall stay. He sidled up next to his co ruler, and smiled at her a little too sweetly.

    “And you would know something about eavesdroppers, Gallows.” He grinned then, big and boyish, for he was only giving her a hard time. Gallows took eavesdropping to a new level. He then cast his attention to the Chamber queen, and who he assumed was her general. Diplomatic visits were not Fennick’s cup of tea, but he was happy to greet them on his own, familiar soil. A homebody, Fennick was generously called.

    The Valley king snorted loudly and rudely at the mention of Magnus. He’d met that guy several times, and each time the Gate’s man been an unforgivable pain in Fennick’s ass. He could hardly blink at a potential recruit without Magnus showing up and full of more kindness, generosity, and charm than any single creature had any right to be. Still, one man did not an army make. Fennick wasn’t worried. Magnus could be dealt with. The black stallion shrugged, and blinked at Warship.

    “As much as I enjoy your enthusiasm, I’m afraid that rather depends on who stands with them.” Fennick, it would seem, was something of a killjoy. It was not a position he usually took, but in this case, the devil needed an advocate. If he was being honest, Fennick didn’t believe the Gate could drum up enough support for him to lose sleep over. There was, however, Lagertha.

    “Last I spoke with the Jungle queen she threatened to run me through. Has she changed her tune or should we all be sleeping with one eye open?” Fennick paused but only briefly, for regardless of the answer to his question, his next words would be the same.

    “If it comes down to it we will take the Gates and the Jungle. It will, however, require something rather special.” If they were going to face two kingdoms Fennick didn’t want to start be underestimating them. They needed a plan, and a good one.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: between the shadows and the soul - gallows, fennick, warship - by Fennick - 12-17-2015, 04:06 AM

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