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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    by the hammer of thor - mast, magnus, rhy, sette
    surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

    She had not been called upon but she doesn't feel she needs to be either, or perhaps she does. She was supposed to be doing Governor things, Lady things, right? That is why Wichita has been watching the group from afar, watching the group of women that greet her King and their Lord. They all seem much fiercer than she is, standing tall and proud, especially the grey one. That must be their Queen. She can feel them, each a different set of emotions reflecting from within. All except the one, she was..cloudy, as good a description as any. Shielded maybe, Wichita wondered how she was doing that. Wondered so much so that she thought to ask, her own accomplishments with empathy had been surprises. Its capabilities were for the most part unknown to her, so when she found new uses she was startled half the time.

    She's cautious, a slow approach, though there's no reason for her to be. For one the emotions she could feel were not menacing, and two she didn't think Mast or Magnus would leave her a sitting duck. Truly she was when it came to a fight, that's why she had been so keen to keep practicing her new gifts, to learn. While she wasn't sure it could cause physical harm, mental assault was just as useful- she knew this all too well.

    The short mare does her best to not interrupt, trying to blend in with the group that is already gathered, edging closer to the palomino paint. "Hi there." She smiles warmly, blinking at the woman with her painted lids. "I'm Wichita, How're ya doin' that?" Her words almost a mess of a honeyed drawl. "You're kinda..uhh, fuzzy." By fuzzy she means the sense of emotions from the Amazon, but she doesn't elaborate. "Is it magic?" Her chocolate eyes are sprinkled with a childish wonder, it's so strange to have company in their quiet Kingdom. It's so strange to be standing in a group so large, even if in truth it isn't very big at all.

    Of the ongoing conversation she catches only the tail end, something about birds and communication between their Kingdoms. She seems to perk at this, her silvered black ears turning against her flaxen hair to listen. "'Scuse, me ma'am. Sorry." She looks on apologetically at the group. "Don't mean to butt in there, but I got sorta an idea if ya like. I didn't mean to do it at first, sure I could work on it though if ya want." She's like a young girl again, speaking to a group of adults, trying her best to make sense. "This empathy, you can make things, like a fawn. It's purely emotion but it might could work, do yall have an empath in the Jungle?" She had by mistake made a small fawn while watching the deer herd that called the Gates home. It was a small thing, whispy in appearance, radiating a serene feeling of peace. It had come and gone quickly but practice makes perfect.


    Lady and Governor of Heaven's Gates

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    RE: by the hammer of thor - mast, magnus, rhy, sette - by Wichita - 12-23-2015, 03:49 PM

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