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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    its in my roots, in my veins - ALL KINGDOM

    there was something in the water, now that something's in me

    i can't go back, but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips

    It has never occurred to the bay stallion that Ygritte does not know she is his daughter. Texas had recognized Nativity in her the moment they had met, and while he’s never been the best with dates, her age coincided well enough. She looks like her siblings – Alona, Nadeja, and Svir. Since the bay horse isn’t fond of parenting, he’s never minded that the salmon-pointed mare refers to him as Texas rather than something less frmal. He already has to deal with Sparrow calling him “Mama”; anything less is a blessing.

    She doesn’t disagree with his decision and even volunteers to compete. That does not surprise him, and he offers her a pleased smile and a nod. She has been the busy counterpoint to his lack of activity, and he has not missed the life that she has brought to their small kingdom. The next horse to arrive is not one he had expected to see, but he responds to the indifferent smirk on Tyrna’s face with a wry one of his own. When she had been around she’d been an excellent fighter – better now, he thinks, she’d not had those wings and wicked horns before – and while she had not lived up to her mother’s expectations of making a great queen, Texas still thinks that perhaps she someday might. She seems to think so as well, and puts her name into the competition. He nods and tells her that: “It’s good to have you back, Tyrna.”

    The stallion that comes to stand beside Ygritte appears to be responsible for the widening of her belly. The thought causes him to glance at Tyrna, and sure enough – it seems the entire female population of the Falls is expecting. That’s rather unfortunate for their army, but at least the conditions are temporary.

    “Before the competition though, we should decide where we stand in Beqanna’s politics. For those that don’t know, a war between the Gates and the Chamber is imminent. The Chamber attacked the Gates, killed a child, and kidnapped and raped their queen. The Amazons are siding with the Gates, and the Chamber will probably enlist the aid of the Valley.” He pauses, knowing that there is plenty of information to take in, and then finishes with “The Falls won’t be taking an official side, but if you’re personally inclined to support either side – feel free. If there are no objections, I’d like to offer the use of the Falls to those injured in battle on either side, with the condition that those healed owe us some sort of boon. Does anyone have any objections to that?”


    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls

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    RE: its in my roots, in my veins - ALL KINGDOM - by Texas - 12-27-2015, 12:19 AM

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