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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Nothing is coming to rise - Roan

    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    He had been able to see before, and he had been just as amazed as he had been when Djinni granted his wish. The difference was that he could see in his horse form this time, that was something entirely new to Brynmor. During Missy’s quest – from which he still didn’t know if it had happened really or that he had only dreamt it – he had been given a human form. In this form he had been able to see, yet he had ended up in a totally different world than Beqanna. And although the graying male wouldn’t admit it out loud, it’s horrors still followed him and haunted him in his sleep from time to time.

    That had exactly been the reason why he had been scared at first. The possibility to see again, the sudden change, had caught him by surprise, just as Missy had right before her games. He had only settled down after a short while, but only to be confronted with the fact that he heard a voice that belonged to nobody. Even though he still hadn’t ‘fixed’ that problem he had come to peace with it for now. The Tundra and telling Hurricane the truth had been more important and now that was done he finally had time for the one being that he desperately wanted to see.

    His breath would’ve stocked as he hadn’t been panting for air like this. His eyes widen and while her delicate bay roan form steps closer to him and closes the last distance between them, he can only stand there frozen. Never had it occurred to him that she had been just like him, that she was blind. Slowly coming back to his senses he offers her a small smile, out of habit because he now knows that Roan cannot see him smile. ”I’m okay, better now even” he answers her, pulling back a little before pressing his own muzzle against her neck. ”I.. I didn’t know that you are unable to see.. That you were just like me.” Brynmor’s voice is only a whisper as he let his muzzle roam through her mane, taking deep breath to fully take in her scent time after time.

    Brynmor didn’t knew how he had pictured her to be, surprised by the fact that they had shared the same defect. Yet now he knew her appearance only made sense. Her little, delicate form, the lack of muscles – just like his. However, it are the scars that hit him the most. He is at utter lost on how she could’ve gotten them, but imaging the possibility that someone had done this to her while she had been vulnerable fills him with rage. ”I’ll protect you..” he mutters, not really aware of the fact that he had said that out loud, but genuinely meaning what he says.

    ”How have you been?” he then asks, pulling back once again to let his bluish eyes ghost across her form. Yet he cannot stay away from her for long and within seconds he finds himself stepping closer to Roan’s side again. This time he let his muzzle gently touch her cheek, moving slowly to make sure to not startle her.

    "Nothing is coming to rise."

    Messages In This Thread
    Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Brynmor - 01-05-2016, 02:20 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by roan - 01-07-2016, 02:45 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Brynmor - 01-12-2016, 02:11 AM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by roan - 01-27-2016, 09:30 AM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Brynmor - 01-29-2016, 03:15 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Ianto - 02-01-2016, 11:32 AM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Brynmor - 02-01-2016, 03:49 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by roan - 02-18-2016, 01:14 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Ianto - 02-18-2016, 08:40 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by Brynmor - 02-20-2016, 01:18 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - by roan - 03-29-2016, 01:03 PM

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