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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And he went out conquering and to conquer... ROUND II

    Ribcage has been eliminated for responding after the deadline.

    They gather, one by one, accepting their fate. Some accept with alacrity, some with hesitation, some with irreverence. But it does not matter, for in the end, it is all the same.


    There is a heartbeat of time where nothing happens, where the world seems to simply stand still. Out of this stillness comes the lamb. Its seven eyes blink as its whiskers twitch. It seems to stare into you, reading your intentions, your heart, your very soul. And then, as it steps forward, its purpose is revealed.
    For the first time, you notice the flat stones in the ground. Four of them, scattered about the clearing. Each is circular, each weathered and worn. Archaic symbols adorn their tops, lines and swirls etched into the ancient stone millennia ago. The meaning of those symbols has long since been lost to the winds of time, whisked away in a memory long forgotten.
    But you know, somehow, that they are important.
    And the lamb steps forward unerringly. In a blink, the creature of sevens is before one of the seals (for in that moment, you realize the obvious. They are seals. But what are they sealing in?). One small, cloven hoof presses against that ancient stone. Suddenly, the seal shatters, bits of stone flying through the air with concussive force. In the midst of the explosion, the lamb has disappeared, vanished without a trace.
    Silence falls once again, broken only by the shuffling of feet and the breathing of your fellow equines.
    One heartbeat, two, and then the still air is echoing with laughter. It is a mere gurgle of sound, delight and victory echoing within its depths. A flash of light catches your gaze. Another flash. From the trees, a stallion emerges. His yellow eyes are bright and gleeful, a haze of triumph covering his features.
    The word whispers through the air on a rising breeze, echoing, repeating until you think you might go mad. Branches rattle eerily as the dull grass stirs against your hocks. You know, without even asking, that the only thing this creature wishes is for you to be upon your knees. He does not care how you get there, whether it is because your legs have been broken, whether it is because your breath rattles with death inside your lungs, or whether it is simply because you have been sapped of strength. He cares only that you kneel.
    Then, behind him, creatures begin to appear. They are beasts you recognize, yet somehow wholly different. There is a wolf, snarling and salivating, with only a single eye and spines upon his back. There is a bear with armor instead of skin, with claws so long and sharp you wonder how it does not trip. And then a badger, a snake, a panther, a coyote... An army of ravening creatures, all recognizable and yet so terribly misshapen.
    ”The Seal!”
    The voice booms, loud and insistent. Conquest hisses, his poison breath fogging upon his lips. His skin, festering and flaking, quivers in outrage.
    It is then that you realize… he wants out. You are the vanguard, sent to prevent his escape. For should he be freed, devastation will follow. The apocalypse will come.
    You have a choice to make.
    You have a seal to find.

    Please respond by Sunday, January 17th at 8:00pm CST.
    Things to Know
  • In the course of this post, you must make a decision. Will you stand against Conquest or will you help him escape so that he might begin the apocalypse?

    You are allowed to change your mind in future rounds. However, you must make your stance clear in your post. (Your character doesn’t need to say it out loud, but make it clear to the reader.)

  • You must each collect a piece of the seal. End your post when you find and touch your piece.
  • Your character must encounter Conquest and/or his minions. You must either try to help or fight him. You are allowed to power play Conquest and his minions. As this is interactive, you should understand where he is/what he is doing in previous posts. As before, you are welcome to collaborate ooc. (You can assume he is supernaturally fast and prescient.)
  • Conquest brings sickness with only a touch. At some point, you must discover this (prior to this discovery, you will not know about the ability). If you touch him, you will contract some sort of illness (for example, boils, a cough, etc).
  • You will still be able to use any traits you have, but they will be essentially 'diluted' due to the nature of purgatory.
  • Your post will be judged upon creativity, your ability to continue/maintain the story arc, and grammar/spelling.
    If you have any questions or need clarification, please PM me or post them in Connect.

    Messages In This Thread
    And he went out conquering and to conquer... ROUND II - by The Bellringer - 01-15-2016, 12:47 AM

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