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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And he went out conquering and to conquer... ROUND II
    NOTE: Posting for Sid for continuity because she finished while the board was down but mine requires hers posted first. <3

    she paints her eyes as black as night now
    Her companions accept their fate. The children, the warriors. Each one falls in line behind the navy woman, embraces their purgatory without any true consideration for exactly what this might mean for them. For their lives. Who is she to speak, though, having accepted so eagerly?

    Exhaling the stale grey air, there comes a heartbeat of time where time seems to cease. The Pegasus muses that perhaps time will stay stuck, that this will be the end of her world, a scene stuck on replay: appear, accept, pause, and repeat. Morsels of her heart hope that this is the fate she accepted blindly; the majority of it slams against its skeletal cage, screaming for release from the nothingness.

    The release comes. The lamb materializes before them, reads them like books without even turning the cover. Its whisker twitch like fingers across their collective consciousness, leaving shivers to rain down Cinzia’s spine. When the creature of sevens directs their attention to the stones, a hidden vice loosens around the mare’s throat, and the stale air passes through once more.

    Frowning at the ancient seal (the word enters her mind the way the wind enters a land: unnoticed), Cinzia watches in complete stillness as the lamb desolates the flat-stone and succinctly disapparates.

    “What’s going on…”

    No one answers; a laugh does. From the trees, the demonic stallion emerges. His yellow cat eyes glower at the chosen ones, lips fondling his teeth in a gruesome grin. Cinzia gags, revolted by the sight of him, the smell of him, the feel of him: kneel, girl; on your knees.

    She does not kneel. When the wind enters purgatory, it goes far from unnoticed. Upon its unseen wings a name rides, Conquest, Conquest, Conquest. The skin above Cinzia’s eyes gathers anxiously, ears pinning as though this will stop the voice from piercing her mind. A terrible squeal disintegrates the quiet of the group as the Pegasus rears, wings unfurling. Conquest, Conquest, Conquest.

    Cobalt eyes crazed by the calls of kneel and Conquest, Cinzia launches herself into the air. Why had she accepted this fate? In what mental state had she been to think this a good idea? A sob wracks her lungs, eyes seeing beyond the grey, remembering the whiskey tones of Magnus, the way he brought her to life.

    She could be alive here, too.
    She could be alive even while surrounded by death.
    At the very least, she could fight death.

    Inhaling sharply, Cinzia realizes that at about twenty feet, her bird-feather wings flicker, becoming almost translucent. The effort to remain and exceed those twenty feet with her diluted wings is unimaginable: even as an excellent flier, Cinzia is forced to drop closer to the earth, heart slamming as though she has been travelling by wing for hours.

    Mind scrambled, the cobalt woman stays the sob growing in her throat, and surveys the area. A single thought of encouragement enters her mind: from this vantage point, she has the best chance of finding a shard of the seal.

    And indeed this revelation proves itself to be true: just as Conquest follows Lagertha, one of the quickest to move, Cinzia spots the unmistakable gleam of the seal, well off from the advancing line of mutants. Moving before her fear can paralyze her, Cinzia wheels around in the sky and dives for the piece.

    It seems too easy.

    With an eye glued to the demons, the mare lands, scoops up the shard between her lips, and takes off once more, careful not to exceed the twenty-foot limit of this hell. Heart no calmer than before, the agile woman surveys the scene on the ground, wholly unsure of how she came out of the disarray completely unscathed.

    Conquest has moved from Lagertha (who mysteriously nudges something into a hole easily seen from this vantage point)  on to Eisleif, taking her in a way which summons dry heaves from the Pegasus. She averts her gaze. Had the sight of a black and white filly being mauled not distracted her right then, Cinzia would have seen Conquest kiss Elve on the forehead, and noticed Eisleif’s evident distress.

    Instead, Cinzia watches in horror as the tobiano girl’s stomach is raked by the badger’s spines. Just as the woman begins to shut her eyes in an attempt to focus on the strokes of her wings and forget the horrors of purgatory, the cry of something hell-born sounds behind her.

    An albatross with glowing red eyes and cyborg-wings charges her from the air. The clink of its appendages tears at Cinzia’s ears, as if the bird’s oncoming is not hellish enough. Acting upon impulse for the second time in a day, the cobalt woman launches herself towards the last place she’d been looking: Weaver.

    Far smaller than the albatross, Cinzia dives away and escapes fatal harm. In its wake, however, comes injury: squalling furiously as its prey escapes, the mighty bird veers right, and, with the scythe-like tip of its right wing, opens Cinzia’s gaskin with a disgusting shluck.

    Nearly choking on her shard of the seal as she gasps and screams through her clenched teeth almost simultaneously, the bleeding Pegasus swoops in front of a bear chasing the Chamber princess. Miraculously well timed, Cinzia places a bone-breaking kick to the metallic beast’s right eye with her uninjured hind leg, smashing it to pieces just as its clawed paw is nearly upon Weaver. Groaning, the bear lays down its weapon, and places it instead over his demolished eye.

    Remembering the imminent danger of the albatross and that she can't fly with a bleeding leg, Cinzia can only think to follow the filly she has just saved. Her wings raise far above her head in an attempt to land softly enough to begin running immediately. With only thirteen hands between her and the grey grass, Conquest comes alongside the filly; squealing in terror, Cinzia pushes her wings down powerfully: too powerfully. As she raises herself, the tip of her right wing brushes against the King of Sickness.

    All too soon, her ability to fly disappears.

    A cramp in the wrist of her wing brings her ungracefully to the earth, and when she lands with a great cry, already her right wing is mangled, unable to relax or even move. Eyes filling with tears, Cinzia chokes again on her piece of the shard, fighting the urge to drop it and let her lungs loose.

    Stumbling closer to the filly, the Pegasus pins the functional parts of her wings to her side; better to have them close than asking for more trouble, even if the tensing of her muscles causes searing pain in her appendages. Cobalt eyes finding the shard which Weaver screams “WARSHIP” at, and Cinzia pieces together that perhaps the filly already has an ally here.

    What better way to gain an ally than protect one of hers.

    Hobbling on three legs, the fourth raised uselessly above the earth, Cinzia leans to the earth and scoops up the second shard between her lips; it cuts the top of her mouth. Wincing, and hoping the filly won’t think she is stealing, Cinzia tumbles horizontally towards the girl, moaning once they are finally side by side.

    Coaxing her neck to release to the earth just one last time, the mare deliberately places her two shards just in front of each of her hooves. Raising her head and looking frantically to make sure the black and white girl understands, the winged woman cries out an explanation, words pierced by the pain in her appendage and gaskin.

    “For Warship!” Tears streak her cheeks. “I’m Cinzia, I’m, I’m on your side!” Sobbing freely now, the woman places one hoof over each shard, and, too injured to truly fear for her safety any more, Cinzia squeezes her eyes shut.
    pulls those shades down tight now


    Cinzia finds a shard, is attacked by a cyborg albatross, saves Weaver from the bear, touches Conquest and gets "Angel Wing" which can be read about here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_wing, and then she grabs a shard of the seal for Warship and closes her eyes. You may powerplay her, but only if you are trying to steal the shard: Cinzia will defend it. If Warship posts and does not take the shard Cinzia is protecting, feel free to steal it from her.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: And he went out conquering and to conquer... ROUND II - by devin - 01-17-2016, 02:26 AM

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