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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Pee-Yew, Y'all Stink [herds]

    ♦ Fynnegan ♦

    I had taken some time away from recruiting. I had a number of new members and I had to cultivate some sort of connection between them all. The herd was growing, constantly evolving and it required much fostering to keep everything moving forward and everyone happy. It was time to venture back to the common lands and continue the word that made me proud to be a herd leader.

    Moving around Beqanna is hard work, not because of the slushy, slippery mud that winter often brought with the cycles of freezing and thawing, but more so that my short little legs didn't cover the terrain as quickly as the larger horses here. My usually smokey black coat is now browned by dirt and mud that has made nest in my coat. I am getting increasingly fluffy as the days grow shorter, and I am so very unpleased. I take pride in my fit and trim appearance, something most my size and type can't achieve. Due to my many trips across the lands I say fit. Yeah you could say a work out.

    This trip is much like the others, nothing to report until I reach the field. Always crowded by so many tall horses. I find my eye is not caught by those with larger stature, but whom other would find "coming up short." I scan the area and my attention is caught by a spirited thing. I could tell the packed area was not her thing, and she made it known by sliding in the cold mud around her. I watch the others react, rather unamused. I however, find the scene amusing, in fact I like her sass and spirit. I wished to approach, in fact I planned on it. I started out as I was a bit a way off still, but another approached blocking my view of the smaller lass with the intriguing mane and tale. I typically don't infringe on others conversations but this one had just begun, and I was just about to enter their space.

    I walk up just in time to be splatterd with a hunk of dark mud, a git from the other stallion there. He was much taller than , but it is an easy achievement at 9HH. I didn't hear any of the conversation other than the other stallion is named Daey. I had heard of him, but had never met the other lad. I dip my head, a smile on my maw and laughter in my eyes, "Well this is quite the fun way to spend the day! Indeed. I do hope I am not intruding unwelcome, I am Fynnegan from Echo Trails. I must say, deary, that I like your spirit!" Having said my piece to the lady, I look (up of course) to the other male I had yet to meet. I heard his name, and he mine so I don't waste time introducing ourselves again, but in spirit of friendly competition I try to be friendly though his red eyes are unnerving. "How is everything in the Forlorn Forest, Daey?"

    » death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily «


    Messages In This Thread
    Pee-Yew, Y'all Stink [herds] - by Speck - 01-25-2016, 11:46 AM
    RE: Pee-Yew, Y'all Stink [herds] - by Daey - 01-26-2016, 04:46 PM
    RE: Pee-Yew, Y'all Stink [herds] - by Fynnegan - 01-26-2016, 09:43 PM

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