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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we need love, but all we want is danger; birthing, any
    Lucrezia continues to groom her newly born son. She is fascinated by his physical characteristics – the spots, the tail and paws. Her most favorite part about her son so far is his tail that twitches back and forth. She cannot help herself to nip at it gently and tug it. Rome at first wiggled out of fear, but eventually he found it to be safe and only a teasing manner. Eventually, Lucrezia would find it easy to chase him in a game of tag. However, there is one thing she fears in her newborn son. It is the size of him. He appears to be much smaller, but Lucrezia has never been a mother so the idea does not really stay in her mind for long. She is simply too distracted by her newborn and enjoying her first moments of motherhood.

    It is the approach and smell of another that quickly draws her away from the world of just Rome and her. Lucrezia is quick to draw herself between the other stallion and Rome. Her nostrils flare and she lets out a distasteful sound that she is not pleased. However, her instincts are quick and get the better of her though once she realizes who it is. “Oh it’s you, Kreios,” she says happily and feeling relief at the same time. She is quick to pick up his feelings on the scene before him. Lucrezia has never failed at reading others. Kreios also makes it obvious for her to see this too as he only has eyes for the child. Lucrezia smiles though. She must play the part that she has chosen and planned. After all, her family was known for preparing for the worst and taking advantage when opportunities came. This indeed was the one she was waiting for.

    Though it seemed that her spotted little cub had other ideas. Rome is already beginning to wrestle around with long-limbed legs and overly large paws that don’t seem to fit his body size quite yet. It is her motherly nature that quickly causes her to turn away from Kreios and face Rome. She doesn’t help him up as he tries to find his balance on four paws. Rome fails a couple of times, but she knows it is only natural. Lucrezia encourages him with soft whispers. She knows he can do it. It will be the very first time he will need to be independent. Lucrezia would ensure her child grew up to feel ready for the world and not so needed on her (surely though she would enjoy that). Eventually, Rome finds his balance and she lets out a soft approval and touches her muzzle with his tiny one. “Well done, my little cub.”

    Lucrezia then turns her head back to Kreios. “Kreios,” her voice is soft and a little uncertain, “This is your son, Rome.” A soft smile then slowly spreads across her thin lips. She must begin to play the part again although she is already pleading to herself not to do this. I’m sorry, Kreios, she thinks to herself, apologizing for whatever the consequences will come from this decision. Yet, she doesn’t have to dwell on her thoughts for long. Rome is quickly finding how to walk and sticking his nose out to smell the air and all that it holds. It is a great wonder to him and she enjoys every part of this moment now with her son. “Go see your daddy, Rome.” She nudges at him softly while Rome looks at her uncertainly but she encourages him again. Rome looks towards Kreios, curiously his ears flick back and forth. “Daddy,” he muffles his very first words. Rome wobbles forward, awkwardly falling here and there as he makes his way towards Kreios. When he arrives in front of Kreios, he reaches his muzzle out and flares his nostrils inches from his “father’s” skin. Rome lets out a quick snort and runs back awkwardly to Lucrezia’s side. She laughs softly and tugs at Rome’s little ear.

    Her eyes then dart towards the perimeter of the oasis, not entirely hidden between the palm trees and nature’s vegetation. She spies the duo, Vanquish and Tarnished. Lucrezia’ heart races a little at the sight of Tarnished. The mare had not intended for him to be here so soon. She wonders if she heard what she had said to Kreios. Would he try to claim Rome as his? Lucrezia swallows hard and lets the distress from her face fall away quickly. “No need to hide away you two! Come meet the newest member of the Desert’s family.” A large, welcoming smile spreads across her lips. Her heart is still beating faster. I am brave, she reminds herself and looks down to Rome for reassurance of her decision.
    html © shelbi | character info: here

    ooc: uh, yes! <33
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    RE: we need love, but all we want is danger; birthing, any - by Lucrezia - 02-13-2016, 11:18 PM

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