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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I throw my hands up in the air sometimes; NEPHEW
    vanquish x yael

    Kitra had been nestled comfortably beneath her father's Great Oak when chaos came down upon their world with a whisper instead of a roar. She had been too far to hear the breaking of the wall as the trio of monarchs entered the Deserts. But she had heard the ravens’ screeches and the woman's voice - unfamiliar and hateful as she spread her threats across the kingdom. And at first, Kitra only smiles at the threats. 

    Her father had warned them well of the war that brewed in the other kingdoms but the thought of someone foolish enough to come to their doorstep had only ever been a passing thought, one always accompanied by a telling smile. Whoever the fool was that dangled threats at the throat of the Deserts would surely meet an ill fate and Kitra was willing to break her beauty rest to see that.

    The sun barely has a chance break across her back as she leaves the shade of her father's oak before a dragon’s fury rattled in her ears. It was her mother's fury and that is when the first wave of panic washes over the princess. She crests a high dune just as the scene had truly began to unravel; a mare fell motionless at her father's feet, a shudder of silk-soft magic swallowed the Deserts and her brothers lightning ate it's way across the sands and tore both her father and the unfamiliar grey stallion to the ground. 

    Kitra couldn't help the shriek that tore past her black silk lips as she watched. A flurry of sand rises in her wake as she tears across the top of the dune towards her brother, “Kratos fucking stop it! You're going to kill father!” She's screaming, screaming for her father's life - or so the scene unfolded. She doesn't know Lagertha or Mast or Rhy or the girl that lay dead beneath the sun, they are of no concern to her and she does not scream for them. 

    Kratos doesnt break his onslaught, he only pushes harder and Kitra can see the lightning swirling out, pushing out like wild creatures beating from inside his ribs. She glances back once more before she slams herself into her brother’s crackling, undaunted mass. She sees her father and the smaller stallion being shrieked and jostled at by the armored iron-grey mare, the painted mare that was the object of her brother’s assault still standing as unscathed as Lagertha. 

    When she makes contact with her brothers side - she is thrown back into the sand, jaw clenched and veins vibrating in pain. She wants to cry out for her father but Vanquish has already taken to the sky and she hears the smaller stallion speak of her mother in the Chamber. Kratos is loping to the painted mare’s side, only turning back to yell at her to watch the foals and border. Her skin is burning and bites back a yelp of pain as she scrambles to her feet, still unsure of what was happening between her brother and the mare but too anxious to intervene. Father and mother were gone to war, she was nervous and angry and unsure. She wanted to both crawl beneath her father's tree to cry for her mother and break for the border to join her parents fight. But her duty to her parents was here. 

    So to say Ianto’s choice to pick today as the day to rekindle his bromance with her father was a bad one, was a bit of a gross understatement. The winged stallion is unhindered by her mother's protection border as he crosses the archway. Which either meant he was a friend to the Deserts or a creature powerful enough to negate her mother's powers. Kitra was hoping for the former but just in case she takes off at a run, wobbling at first, still a bit stunned from her brothers shock. She thinks of her nieces and nephews and thinks of Scalped with her swollen belly as she charges the intruder. 

    She is almost upon him when Kratos sends a crackle of lightning to split the sand between her and Ianto as she closed the gap of space between them. “He's my uncle, let him pass!” Her brother roars and the gold bathed mare skids to a halt, throwing her head up wildly as the lightning singed the hairs of her delicate nostrils. “STOP DOING THAT!” She screeches out to her spotted brother before turning back to the brightly colored stallion, “I'm sorry,” She screams before ducking sheepishly and clearing her throat, adjusting her volume level, “everything just turned into a shitshow. My mother and fath - Yael and Vanquish are fighting in the Chamber. The war has begun,” She says, tilting her head to indicate to the smoke that now filled the sky towards the north. “You should tend to your family,” She says, more quietly - fear for her parents setting her tone to tremble. 

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    RE: I throw my hands up in the air sometimes; NEPHEW - by Kitra - 02-26-2016, 10:15 PM

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