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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    For quite a while he had known that this day would come. Years had passed, the first in darkness and later with the world’s beauty complimented by the eye, but never Brynmor had dared to enter the cave. He clearly remembered what Hurricane had told him about them when he had been shown around, and back then the graying male hadn’t thought he would ever had to enter them. Being blind didn’t necessary made you useless, but it didn’t help his cause either. Who would’ve thought that this day would ever come? Brynmor clearly hasn’t.

    Slowly they all gather, but there aren’t many of them. As the formerly blind stallion joins the already formed group he drops his head a little, greeting the winged king in silence. Ever since they had first met Brynmor had changed. He no longer was the blind, timid boy he once was. By gaining eyesight he had grown both confidence and muscles, although there still was a lot of work to do. It had been like he was discovering the world all over again, amazed by every little thing, until all the new impressions tired him out.

    He listens to what Hurricane has to say and his eyes never leave the king’s frame. Not even when he leans to the side to gently brush his muzzle across Roan’s cheek. Her presence did wonderful things to his mood and every time he laid his eyes upon the bay roan girl he fell in love with her all over again. She simply sparked something within him and to him she was the most beautiful of them all. Her safety above everything else. Brynmor is glad that she’s there, grateful that she would be there, waiting for him, once he would make it out of the cave alive again.

    But he first would have to enter, although he wouldn’t be the first one. Hurricane addresses the black stallion that he had met before. As he listens Brynmor’s blue eyes flash towards Offspring, eyeing the male before focussing on Hurricane again. The graying male cannot say he likes the things he hears, but it wasn’t his place to question Hurricane’s decisions, knowing that their king would put the kingdom first. ”Who are we to question your decisions, Hurricane? If that is what will be the best for the Tundra, so it be” he speaks, eyes moving from Hurricane to Offspring as he does, nodding towards the black male before facing their current king again. He would stay anyway, as the Tundra was his home and he was ready to pledge his loyalty to the place.

    Once their future king enters the caves he keeps his eyes focussed on the entrance. His thoughts drift off, but mostly he’s wondering what Offspring was going through right at that moment. Sure he knew a little about the caves, but that didn’t mean he would be prepared for what would be coming. Brynmor tries to stop himself from wondering what his own terror would be, but it is too late as the voice of his imaginary friend (who thankfully was less and less present in his mind) starts rumbling off some things. It is Roan that keeps him calm and he enjoys her presences as he presses close against her side, grooming and touching her while his eyes stay focussed on the entrance.

    Curiosity almost drives him to take a step forward when Offspring emerges again. It was the first time that he had seen someone enter the cave, therefor also the first time that he witnesses someone coming out of them. Successfully facing his demons and earning his scars at the same time. Brynmor had seen Hurrcane’s before, just as Brennen’s, but as it has only just happened he’s itching to observe Offspring’s. And he learns that the scar’s differ in great varieties.

    He listens to Offspring just as intently as he had listened to Hurricane. There is a small, yet warm, smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Before Brynmor steps forwards he turns to the girl at his side, brushing his lips across her cheek. ”Will you wait for me?” he asks her softly, knowing that she would be able to hear him quite well. With that he steps forwards, approaching the two kings and the caves. ”We’ve only met briefly before, Offspring, but I look forward to getting to know you better.” With that he’s off, making his way towards the caves with a confident step and without looking back, fighting the urge to glance back in Roan’s direction.

    First there is nothing, only some nervousness eating away, and he continues his path until he can no longer see the light coming from the entrance. It hits him unsuspectedly, washing over him without giving him any opportunity to properly react. He instantly knows that he’s back, back to that horrible place, back in those horrible games. Yet this time he isn’t given a choice. Hesitantly – because he knows what is coming – he enters through the red door, ending up on that cobblestone street again. Chills run down his back and as Brynmor runs for his life it is almost like he’s back into that strange human form again.

    The fear and panic are highlighted because he knows what kind of vile creature is hunting him. As he runs across the cobblestoned street he knows what will happen next, he knows how his ends, yet he cannot do anything to change it. Brynmor keeps running, running to the place he will meet his friends, running away from the thing that will later eat one of his two companions. He runs, because he is too weak to turn around and face his demon right away himself.

    Things happen exactly how he remembers them. He runs into his friends, they have fun pranking others during the Halloween festivities, but as their last prank comes closer he gets nervous again. This time Jack would be there. It passes in a flash, the running, fighting, flying through the air and bumping into a wall. And then it’s the time he stabs her. Tears are clouding his vision as he sees life leaving her body a second time. ”I’m sorry..” he breathes out, barely audible. Guilt eats him, as he had never overcome this guilt, but they escape as his friend pulls him away.

    Next up is the maze. He doesn’t need explanation, as this is a maze that he had seen before. And the terror’s that await him within. He clearly remembers the transformation, the killing, and then the visions of his mother – in both human (the girl he killed above) and horse form –, then his imaginary friend, followed by Gryffen and last but not least himself in future version. Since he doesn’t know what else to do Brynmor enters the maze, but this time he doesn’t transform. The sudden change of history makes him hesitant, afraid to enter, because there is no saying in what he would face.

    He passes by all the faces again. His mother, his friend, Gryffen and himself, but in a different order. It is only when he stands in front of his imaginary friend again, who accuses him of killing and abandoning him, that he realises it. Never before he had put the pieces together, this time he does. The voice of the person in front of him is exactly the one of the voice in his head, the voice of this imaginary friend, the voice he was desperate to get out of his thoughts. But Brynmor doesn’t get the chance to mule over it much longer, as his friend suddenly howls.

    Terrified he watches the transformation. This time it isn’t him who changes, but instead it is his imaginary friend. He doesn’t watch the whole transformation and dashes off randomly into the maze before the werewolf stands in front of him in its glory. Within seconds his muscles hurt from the sudden exercise, and his longs burn with the lack of oxygen. Brynmor curses himself for the lack of stamina, already having trouble to push the edge when he had just started.

    As he flees he gets lost further and further, having lost track of whatever he came to do. Well, that is until he sees her. Roan. It’s only a flash of his mind, but it is enough to help him remember and to make him realise. With a shout of frustration Brynmor comes to a halt, spinning around to face the growling wolf that had been on his heels. He is in his horse form again, head held high as the wolf launches himself forward. The right side of his chest and shoulder instantly burn, like there is fire and ice hitting him at the exact same time, and then it’s all over.

    By the time he steps out in the sunlight again – experiencing the same stinging brightness as Offspring before him – he is still a little hazed and spooked. His chest/shoulder burns a little, but there is no blood and no open wounds, just a black scar. Just like Offspring his coat is soaked and Brynmor finds himself panting a little. Yet he ignores that all as he steps forward, towards Hurricane and Offspring, and all the other’s that have been gathered, but his eyes searching for only one frame in particular.

    "Nothing is coming to rise."

    @[Kristin] I assumed that Roan would be there with him, hope you don't mind that I added her like this?
    click his scar It is located on the right side of his chest / shoulder,

    Messages In This Thread
    ALL KINGDOM - by Hurricane - 03-17-2016, 12:29 PM
    RE: ALL KINGDOM - by Offspring - 03-17-2016, 01:26 PM
    RE: ALL KINGDOM - by Brynmor - 03-18-2016, 05:08 PM
    RE: ALL KINGDOM - by Patchouli - 03-22-2016, 09:26 AM

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