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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Who painted the lion? [Zojja]
    Seeing him again lifts a weight from her shoulders that Zojja had not, up until this moment, been conscious of even carrying. She'd thought of him, certainly. Given her own wanderlust, however, she had simply assumed that worry would never be something to rule her thoughts. Life would go on, after all, regardless of whether or not Lupei returned, and between this idea and the often-exasperating business of keeping an eye on the twins (always, without fail, at least one getting into some form of mischief), Zojja had been quick to correct herself when the blue-green stallion crept into her thoughts.

    And then, of course, Lupei turns up, and Zojja is faintly annoyed with herself when she notices some of the tension easing out of her shoulders as the larger wolf nudges her. Sappy, she thinks (nowhere near as vehemently as she might have a few years prior!), but she cannot help but grin at him all the same. "Oh, yes," she drawls, drawing back to inspect the black wolf properly. "Waddling around all by my lonesome has been an absolute riot. I simply can't wait to do it again." This is followed by a sly smirk - well, she can't wait to do something again. Perhaps next time he won't be off lighting the Jungle on fire in lieu of a cigarette. One can only hope. Speaking of which! Zojja's head tilts questioningly as she finally spies the leonine scar amidst his dark fur. Hm. "Earned a souvenir, I see." The smaller wolf brushes her nose just shy of the odd scar. "At least you're more or less in one piece."

    The boys make their appearance then, and Zojja steps back for a moment once she's pushed Kudu out of hiding, content to let them entertain themselves with getting acquainted. Lupei's glance in her direction is met with a wry smile. "Yes," she jokes, "it hurt. Worth it, in any case. I see a lot of you in them." That is not strictly true. She sees a lot of him in Wyrm - she sees a lot of HERSELF in Wyrm, too. Kudu, on the other hand, seems alike only in his color and his enthusiastic use of his ability - Zojja had terrorized Porrim, too - but then again, so does Wyrm. Kudu, if anything, reminds her of her eldest brother: quiet - even reserved, to a fault. Odd. Not unappreciated, given Wyrm's excess of confidence, but odd.

    Lupei erupts up and out, suddenly, swapping paws for hooves, and Zojja inadvertently does a double-take as she registers that her mate is, er... looking a little breezy. The scar on his shoulder stands out more than ever against the pale green of his coat, but she's far more distracted by the unexpected loss of his mane and tail. She has no idea what manner of magic-user he must have tangled with in the war, but good heavens - they hit him right in the aesthetic. Lupei remedies his oddly bereft appearance with a fiery placebo - so that's where Kudu got it.

    The boys, unperturbed, bounce gaily around their father, showing off their talents. Wyrm manages to surprise her with a near-perfect imitation of his father's wolf form - every time she sees him shift, he seems to be doing something more and more complex. Talented little bugger. Kudu, on the other hand, seems to have been barely reining himself in - his father scarcely has to prompt him before the blue colt bursts into flame, a phantasmal grin spreading over his fiery face. Zojja, sitting close by, flicks a cautious glance at the dead leaves underfoot. Kudu has been present at an awful lot of "random" grass fires lately, but he seems to have had the foresight to not turn the forest into an inferno, which is... encouraging.

    Lupei's stunned response earns him a grin. Zojja gets to her feet and gives herself a shake, casually stretching up into her greyed equine form as she does so. Kudu seems to be weighing the merits of hassling his larger brother, slinking not-so-subtly toward the wolf - it is hard to be subtle when you are literally on fire - and so Zojja angles herself to keep an eye on the younger twin as she comes to stand next to her lover. Her muzzle brushes along his neck, close to his crest - she is a little wary of the flames, admittedly, although Kudu has yet to burn her. "The flames make you look dashing," she murmurs, and the corners of her mouth quirk a little. Then, quieter still: "I missed you."

    Messages In This Thread
    Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Lupei - 03-12-2016, 10:38 PM
    RE: Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Zojja - 03-14-2016, 04:15 PM
    RE: Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Lupei - 03-30-2016, 06:36 PM
    RE: Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Zojja - 04-04-2016, 04:26 PM
    RE: Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Lupei - 04-05-2016, 10:20 PM
    RE: Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Zojja - 04-13-2016, 05:03 PM
    RE: Who painted the lion? [Zojja] - by Lupei - 04-30-2016, 05:42 PM

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