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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    when the past comes whispering back; brennen? any

    and the light of a fading star
    is what you were, is what you are

    She knew she was grasping at straws, hoping beyond hope for one of her wildest dreams to come true; but that wasn’t the sort of luck Kerowyn was used to. She rarely wins. One of the twins in her belly shifts, and she winces a bit. It’s poorly timed, coinciding with the stallion’s confession that he hasn’t seen her father in quite some time. It makes her seem weaker than she is, a poor excuse for a daughter of heat and ice. The bay woman does manage to keep her face from falling too much, though the perhaps that’s merely because the realization that she really is all alone hasn’t quite hit her yet.

    Her eyes dart towards Brynmor, and she nods her head slowly. Now that Kerowyn knows, she is eager to leave the cold kingdom. “I see,” she says softly, as though it might crack if she spoke any louder. “Thank you, Brynmor. I’m afraid you can’t do anything, I -” no, don’t let it break! She breathes. “I was just looking for a familiar face. Please, if you see him, will you tell him Kerowyn is back? I would be forever grateful.” She offers the stallion a small smile and turns heavily on her heels. The truth was that she didn’t expect the man to remember her name by the time Brennen graced the kingdom with his presence. The immortals think of time far differently than their mortal counterparts.

    A smidgen of hope still burned for Caeli, but even that, too, would dim with time. She ought to look to the future, she resolves as the trudges away from the towering wall. She should think of the twins.  


    brennen x morphine

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    RE: when the past comes whispering back; brennen? any - by Kerowyn - 06-02-2016, 04:12 PM

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