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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I love the way that your heart breaks... {G'ren, any}
    With my speechless calm eyes,
    nothing is coming to rise.

    He isn’t entirely sure he was being brave or stupid – or maybe both? – but there simply was no way that Brynmor would back down now. Not when a stranger invaded their lands and laid a claim upon one of their mares. Because yes, G’ren Fire belonged to the Tundra, by her own choice. And the graying stallion had vowed to fight for his home and to protect it, in both the political as the warrior way (though he was clearly more successful in the peace caste). If he would have to, he would fight to defend her.

    So he doesn’t caste his gaze down, his blue eyes meeting dull gray ones, and because of that he doesn’t miss the sparkle in those same bland gray eyes when the stranger moves forward. He knows he isn’t a good match, having way to little experience in battle and Brynmor didn’t possess any trait that would help him here. The kingdom granted invisibility wouldn’t help him the slightest bit, since the snow underneath his hooves would clearly show where he was standing. And if the prints wouldn’t show it, the crackling of the snow would give him away. He just stands his ground, chest puffed and teeth bared in a threating way. Instead of moving away from the fire and soaring heath he moves closer, ready to plant his teeth in the scarred skin of the stranger. There was simply no way that Brynmor would let the stallion move past him towards G’ren Fire.

    However, that doesn’t mean he was prepared for what followed. Fire licks his skin and the surprise – or shock – had him backing away. Jumping backwards even. Anger soars through him, burning as the strongest fire within, and that probably is the only reason why Brynmor is still standing between the mare and the stallion who said to claim her. His muzzle hurts, oh yes, but the formerly blind stallion tries his best to bite it back and stand his ground.

    It his Offspring who saves him, even though he doesn’t like it to admit it. The ice king made his entrance just when Brynmor had been about to reply, to tell the stranger for the nth time to leave the Tundra. His king doesn’t demand anything else, instantly backing him up even though they hadn’t even shared a glance. His pink lips are parted, trying to stop the burning feeling by preventing that they touch. Not really the most charming pose, but he had little other options. ”Like I already said, there is nothing for you here.” he speaks, a little slurring, but speaking nonetheless as he settles himself next to Offspring, backing his king up without any hesitancy. In fact, if he had to, Brynmor would throw himself at the burning stallion again.


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I love the way that your heart breaks... {G'ren, any} - by Offspring - 06-23-2016, 01:24 PM
    RE: I love the way that your heart breaks... {G'ren, any} - by Brynmor - 06-24-2016, 04:36 PM

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