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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    let me in the wall you've built around. || ANY & ALL [CAVE INITIATION]
    She listened intently, having often gone with her dear brother to the edge of the cave as a young foal, but now had come responsibly for initiation! She never expected the time to come that she would rise in the ranks alongside her brother, doing mocks and patrols, meeting leaders, yet choosing words first like a proper, civil equine. She had daydreamed often on that fantasy, for as a foal mares could not join a caste in the Tundra.

    She watched her brother enter solemnly, wondering what would happen. She heard only silence in there, until a running figure came out, until he stopped, looking with relief at her, her mother Blazed, and his own form. What had happened that he had become worried? She walked up to him and rubbed her form along his lightly, as a sign of welcome, and she saw his scar, a jagged line along his spine that gleamed black in the Tundra's snow-reflected sunlight.

    She stood back, wondering whether they had an established order or if she was to go next. She walked next to Rael back to their mother, and stood together as a family, Echo nursing happily. She watched Maribel walk in, and after a short while come out, soaked through and blue-lipped, to stand before her father, and shivered slightly at the snow clinging to her wet coat. When nobody stepped forward after her, she took it upon herself to walk in, nodding to her mother and brother before going to the entrance, passing Offspring and the others now around them on the way. She walked to the edge, and faced Offspring. "I shall go next." She states, her tone hollow, before continuing to the entrance again.

    She turns her mind off, closing off her emotions, ignoring the hard thumping of her heart. She ended up being forced to think again as a primal, angry scream comes out of the blackness - and her eyes open wide in the darkness. She saw her mother pelting around the end of the icy wall that Offpsring created to separate her and Echo from that odd stallion, supposedly her own father, her flesh and blood. She snorted and pawed the ground, but unable to do anything about the memory; she heard her hooves racing against the ice as she comes towards her location, and then it is silent except for a muffled muttering, she was ranting. She tried to follow, but every time she stepped the opening was farther away, and she hurt with worry and fear that he was going go go too far with her, and force her into submission.. She saw her own vision turn black and morph into a heated battle, her brother next to her, his body stronger, his hooves, legs larger and stronger. And then she saw her mother, whose form had been next to her, fall flat as her body freezes, stills, being turned to stone by a magician. She saw the tribal markings of the Amazons on his chest and shoulder, and they reminded her of Maribel's new scar. She stopped, her legs held by vines, and a vined curled up around her neck - just behind the ears and jaw - and around her muzzle, holding it shut, and forcing her head low as the stallion forced her to come with him, jerking her head down and tugging her legs forward mechanically with the vines. She started stumbling, tripping and heard her hooves start to clang against stone as her muzzle was released and her legs freed - she was back in reality. She started forwards, darkness pressing in around her, until light appeared in front of her and she saw the Tundra's harsh ice and snow welcoming her back. She stopped, just outside of the cave, and looked down at her legs - was she truly back? - and saw a vine pattern shining white up her right foreleg, her scar of initiation had been formed.
    The Sister of the Ice

    OOC - Real also intends to become a Warrioress.
    Scar -

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: let me in the wall you've built around. || ANY & ALL [CAVE INITIATION] - by Real Fire - 07-20-2016, 06:57 PM

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