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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs; any
    A hiccup escapes his severed lip, blurting into the air and he attempted to stifle the sound, but failed. Someone would hear him, someone would see him. It was too late to worry though, little did Fart know, it was much too late for all that. Whether he wanted to be seen or not he would be, that’s just how it seemed to go. Poor luck maybe, bad joo joo. He hears her before he see’s her, a soft, papery thin voice barely catching his ears. Thankfully it was a quiet day, it was still enough in the commons to hear the almost inaudible sound of her call.

    Oh yes he heard it and his stomach dropped, wishing he had not.

    Fart didn’t know which was worse, to hear a female voice, knowing he would be offending her eyes, or hear a male voice and know he was in for a beating. Most of the time anyways, sometimes he was just quick enough to outrun them but still, that good fortune was few and far between.

    She speaks and he listens, green ears swiveling forward to find the words. Immediately he stops in his tracks, uncertain how to best proceed and jerking backwards. “I’m sorry, so sorry miss,” he begins the baffled blabber of apologies. What rotten news it was to catch a male voice then as well, Fart knew he was in for it. Already he was wincing, eyes closed and shrinking into himself, shoulders scrunching. He had gone and wandered into someone’s territory today, boy was he an idiot.

    He didn’t even notice the gas leaking faintly from his body, he hadn’t had it before in this world, he had no reason to think it had remained. It looks like ol’ Grumble did him a solid before he sent him careening back home. Well then, maybe he could use it to defend himself if he needed. Yeah that sounded good, if the other male got too rough Fart could just gas him and flee- it could work.

    Surprisingly they don’t seem to rush him, do not appear to be hostile when he once more opens his wet, brown eyes. The woman though, the curiously see-through woman was asking after his well- being, asking if he was okay. A small step she makes forward to him but he only response with another small step back, too close, no one wanted to be too close. And when again she speaks, this time with light hearted tones gracing her words, he stands dumbfounded. His limey ears flatten to his hairless head in his confusion and his weepy eyes look back and forth between them.

    Adaline, she said and he would remember, he had so few names to know anyways. He looked them both over, one fragile looking lady, with equally tattered wings. One stout male, like a grey thundercloud and the size of the other was enough to make him uncertain of the true nature of this predicament. “My- my name?”  So little was he asked for it, so much so that he could not recall the last time it was asked after. “Well, it’s- I- they call me Fart,” he finally spat out, finding the words though he stumbled over them like a child.
    dont you know that youre toxic?

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs; any - by Fart - 07-23-2016, 01:13 PM

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