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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    -- and death i think is no parenthesis (any)
    i tried to be your picture perfect girl,
    but you were in your own fantasy world.
    Demons seem to follow us all. Most all of us, anyway. They are tricky little things, hell bent on stalking you in the dampened dark until they edge close enough to sink into your skin. You can’t run from them, can you? It’s hard to turn off what’s inside your head – it’s hard to turn from the only truths you know. Elysha, though, knows very little truth. She knows she is here – in this unknown wooden cove, with the dark closing on her like a demon. She knew no other truth, but the here and now – each moment that stretched before her would be the newest certainty she held.
    For all her panic – Elysha was not very attentive to her surroundings. You would think, that upon scrambling up from the softened ground, that she would use her rolling eyes and twisting ears to take in what was around her. But the thing about panic is that it grips you tight – like most high emotions – and it clenches every part inside you. There is nothing left inside of you to think clearly, to talk yourself down, to find a means to the end. No, there is only the hard crush of your heart against your rib cage, the roiling of your blood inside your ears, the fragmented thoughts of your mind.
    So when Ainlif approaches- she is not prepared. (Surprise, surprise- she doesn’t seem prepared for much of anything of late). His voice stretches across the cove, breaking the barrier of heightened horror that wracked her mind. What ails you. No, it wasn’t a question, there was no up curve of his voice, no lingering curiosity. It was a statement, like a drawl of disinterest – like Ainlif was a playground monitor, checking to make sure that the kiddos were alright.
    Now, this could go two ways. One, Elysha thought, was that this man was yet another threat – another wave of danger that the ever creeping darkness could bring. He appeared from nowhere, and by the looks of him was in some sort of state himself – a sheen of sweat among his coat and a force of breath through his nostrils. Could it be frenzied fury? A battlepath to blood lust? Could he simply be looking for someone smaller to pick on? Elysha was small. She was very small in this big world.
    Or he could be a lifeline, a gift from the gods, a beam of light to guide her way from whatever hellish thing got her in this mess in the first place. Elysha ceased her unneeded antics of flashing the whites of her eyes and whirling her head about (not that it had helped her anyway). Startled, she places her feet properly, her body tensing, her eyes wide but no longer rolling. He was steps away, a tentative space between them – but Elysha did not know how fast a monster could strike.
    She looks at him for a long moment – weighing her option to respond (although he could easily close the distance and harm her) or to flee (just equally as possible to catch her, anyway). Elysha really didn’t think she had many options, here.
    “I. I... I don’t know where I am.” Her voice was a treble, dipping and diving with uncertainty. Perhaps it was not best to tell a monster that she was lost – a little golden girl against a wolf. But desperate times called for desperate measures. “I just w-wo…woke up here.”
    e i g h t x m o o s e

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    RE: -- and death i think is no parenthesis (any) - by Elysha - 07-27-2016, 11:54 AM

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