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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This Was your Idea-{Sirana, Family Members}
    The trip down the mountain was rather quiet, at least, free of pleasant conversation. The only sounds that could be heard were the two horses as they called out for their loved ones, hoping to hear a response. However, every so often, Sirana would give Zaravich a sympathetic glance, knowing that the mare was most likely going through an incredible amount of worrying, much like Anahi might be if she was out looking for her foals.

    Then, finally, Zaravich spoke up, mentioning Archam and the rumors of his disappearance. Sirana held in her anger towards her sire, for it was more of a sadness that took over, "I've... heard things, from other horses... I don't want to believe it, but..."

    For some reason, in her heart, Sirana knew the worst must've happened to him. As it was, when she'd still been living in the Falls, Archam was hardly ever around the herd. Anahi did most of the looking after them, even while she was raising a foal herself. Sirana and Eiria, despite their young ages, had done their best to contribute when they weren't out training, giving their dam periodic breaks by either watching the herd so she could sleep, or taking care of Nerius and showing him their home land while Anahi took care of the herd.

    Sirana thought back on both of her parents. It was obvious they had both cared for each other deeply; it showed in the fact that Archam had made Anahi the lead mare of his herd. The champagne mare and the roan stallion had made a good couple, but even Sirana could tell that her sire had been distancing himself. It didn't seem to bother Anahi much; she might have been used to it.

    But if the mare were to find out that Archam had disappeared, during this time, without her children around to support her...

    Sirana shook her head; she didn't want to think about that.

    Then, Zaravich brought up the champagne mare, asking Sirana if she was sure that her dam was out looking for her. Sirana snorted, glaring at the black mare, "I don't know if she is out looking for me. For all I know, she could be lying down in a ditch somewhere, hurt from all the chaos that happened. Or she could be out looking for me and my siblings. Mother trusts that I can take care of myself, and that same trust is with my little sister. Nerius will probably find his way back on his own. If she's out looking for us right now, she'll want to find her youngest colt first. But to me, all that matters is that I am out looking for her to make sure she is okay."

    Sirana turned away and continued calling out for her siblings, "Eiria! Nerius! Aten!" But, like every time before, there had been no response. The mare sighed, depressed that she still had yet to find her family. But then, something happened.

    A voice cut through the trees, reaching Sirana's sensitive ears. Someone was calling out, but not for her. The voice had clearly said...

    "Mother..." Sirana's eyes lit up; the voice had sounded female, but it wasn't Eiria. The filly always called Anahi by the name 'Mom', or, at times, by her actual name. She never used the word 'Mother', like Sirana did. It wasn't Nerius or Aten, since the voice was clearly that of a filly.

    And for some reason, Sirana thought she vaguely recognized it. The filly turned to look at Zaravich, "Listen Zaravich. Do you hear that? Someone's calling out... calling for 'Mother'..."

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: This Was your Idea-{Sirana, Family Members} - by Sirana - 09-04-2016, 02:52 PM

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