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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  It's alright to be lil bitty
    When he does that rough rumbly sound again, she beams even more. He repeats her name, the name she'd more or less given herself. Someone had once said this of her, "just a smidge on the small side, ain't she?" They hadn't said it to her, just about her. A reply had followed the question, a whisper they didn't know she'd heard. "Yep, just a smidge." Back then, she hadn't paid them any mind. She didn't know what it meant. But she had liked the word. Had played with it on her tongue. Smidge, smidgey, smidgen. Yes, Smidgen. Smidgen, the fairy child. She loves them, the fairies, sprinkling their magic wherever they went.

    Standing next to the giant, she decides she likes him. Big Red Man. No, boring name. She ponders it for only a fleeting moment before she reveals to him her big secret. "Oh, a fairy?" He starts, and she nods her tiny head rapidly, silver forelock bouncing over to one side to hide one sparkling blue eye and leaving the other revealed. She tilts her head, smile on her face until he says something about playing a lotto. "What's a 'lotto'? I wanna play!" She bounces her front end in excitement, until she realizes her mistake. She's a fairy! She should know what this means. And then, an idea sprouts. "Oh! That's like when you have a lotto something! Like.. liiiike.." The girl's head turns so she can look all around. Of course! "Like dis!" She paws the snow in front of her with one tiny hoof. "The weather faiwies must'a played the lotto game and that's why we have a lotto snow!" She giggles and goes to dancing around in it again, making a sort of track around the giant stallion. When she comes back to where his head is, she plants herself in front of him and listens to the words that come next.

    Her smile is radiant when he calls her miss fairy Smidgen and she takes a more proud stance (even though that's a little hard when you're like 1/25th the size of the one in front of you, but easier for a girl who doesn't know her size). She dips her head a little when he says he will keep her secret and follows with questions. She tries to adopt a more mature sounding voice when she says, "Tank you, Weir. I had a feeling I could twust you." Then she ponders an answer to his questions. What would a fairy be doing off the mountain?

    She'd visited the place when it'd risen from the earth, finding it oh so intriguing and wonderful. A beautiful creation by the fairies. And yet, formidable. She'd felt the magic reverberating from the ground under her tiny hooves all the way to her bones. It was there she decided she was the fairies' child, one of many, and where she fancied the idea of magic flowing through her own blood. And of course, it was because of the fairies that she had even lived without a mother. She'd watched as others clung to it's cliffs and edges, crying and calling for something lost. Watched as others even fled far from its base, afraid or angry. Watched still, when she'd come back to the meadow, as others flocked together. Talk, so much talk. She'd shrugged it all off, imagining she could send waves of hope to all the other horses. So that maybe they could find something in what they'd lost. Whatever it'd been. Have faith in the fairies, was her thought she would try to project to them.

    Snapping back to her giant friend, she smiles. "Faiwies can be ev'eywhere, all awound, all the time. I don't wanna be on the Mountain all the time. And actu'wy, I like it here. I do have impo'tant b- bisness.. (these are hard words) buuut, I don't 'member what it is." The girl appears to think about it for another moment, before she grins wide up at mister big Weir man once more. "So what You doin' here? Come to play with me in the lotto snow?"

    Messages In This Thread
    It's alright to be lil bitty - by Smidgen - 09-09-2016, 10:46 PM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Weir - 09-10-2016, 05:57 PM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Smidgen - 09-13-2016, 12:31 AM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Weir - 09-14-2016, 07:04 AM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Smidgen - 09-14-2016, 05:28 PM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Weir - 09-16-2016, 04:34 PM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Smidgen - 09-20-2016, 01:05 AM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Weir - 09-23-2016, 08:38 AM
    RE: It's alright to be lil bitty - by Smidgen - 10-03-2016, 08:48 PM

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