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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    breaking waves of change
    Our dark woman notices the eyes roll as she first speaks, she laughs in her mind a little. Never has anyone treated her as such, and it almost drove her mad trying to make this woman like her. She had never been disliked, ever. Though it is a surprise to her when Nayl finally speaks of her concerns, first starting by telling Naga not to apologize for stepping up when she did. Even though Naga felt the strong need to, seeing as she was determined to find this woman's acceptance of her, and maybe even make a friend out of her, but at this point she doubted it would get to that point.

    Though, it didn't hurt to look at her with hope instead, for someday not looking at Naga with a look of disdain.

    "I can understand, and that is why I was sorry. I should have been more considerate, took more time to express my happiness for finding our sisters. That I regret. But, I guess I should not dwell on it now, since I am putting in the effort to really try to reconnect with everyone now."

    She pauses as Nayl speaks again, and this time our dark woman is thrown off guard. Nayl admitted to being slow to trust...and that showed Naga that she maybe wanted to open up to her a little. That gave her more hope now, and she listens to her with a soft smile and ears perked forward. just know I do not hate you. The sentence repeated in her head. This was good, very good. Maybe Naga had a chance after all. She would work at it, slowly. Though for now, she continued to listen intently.

    :I understand. I know. That is why I have stepped up, because I don't want us to go through losing a untrustworthy leader again. I want to help, I want to be here for the sisters, to help guide us to a better future in this new Beqanna. Nayl, I swear to you, I will NOT take this responsibility lightly. You have my word, I swear on our beloved Jungle.

    Her eyes met the blazing orange of Nayl's, she nodded again, her voice was serious and strong...

    "I will not allow it to happen again either."

    She was queen now, and she would show the sisters that she COULD be trusted, and she COULD lead them without letting them down or leaving without a trace. She was going to be ranked with some of the Amazon's best queens, she was sure of it. She would MAKE sure of it. This was something she wanted, something she had worked hard for, and she sure as hell did not want to throw it all away just to say she had the title but did not put in any work or try to better the kingdom. She was not that kind of woman.

    Messages In This Thread
    anyone; - by Nayl - 09-14-2016, 03:17 PM
    RE: anyone; - by Naga - 09-14-2016, 03:41 PM
    RE: anyone; - by Nayl - 09-14-2016, 04:58 PM
    RE: anyone; - by Naga - 09-19-2016, 12:23 AM
    RE: anyone; - by Nayl - 09-25-2016, 03:28 PM

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