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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste.
    I am not afraid.
    She is still not over it. Basking in the dust of change yet, a part of her still is trapped within the Jungle. Her ruthlessness and warrior like instincts have lost their blood lust, and some how yearned for a sense of diplomacy. To have a purpose in this new world she would have to adapt to.

    She lingers in the cliff side caves, watching the salty waters pull back as low tide creases the sandy shores. Watching as the waves clammer in protest as they inch backwards slamming themselves one after the other against the beach. She remains silent her verdant eyes following the placid waters, as her porcelain lobes catch the vocals of another, summoning them.

    Obediently the speckled girl guides herself past the coastline, limbs kicking up sand as she protruded up sandy hill. Blades of salted sea grass graze her pistons like tendrils of amazonian vines entangling her legs but flimsy and easily breakable. Something she was at least thankful about her new homeland. Slowing her pace to a trot, the girl meets up with a small group. She had forgotten how few sisters there were after all hell broke lose.

    Her gaze meets with Hestia then Djinni, and then to an unfamiliar equine. She allows a brief smile to pull at the corners of her lips. "This spiritual caste sounds quite interesting." Her emerald eyes meet Sunday, "Hi there, I'm Celeana." She adds with a friendly motion of her cranium swaying gleefully. She hadn't acted this happy since, well.... It's been a while. Lets just leave it at that.

    "What's this about offering up our wombs?" She states. She wasn't planning on ever allowing herself to grow close to a man, nor form a stable relationship. Although she had fought her demons long ago, she couldn't handle being in a male's presence. Perhaps it was her past, a darkness that remained deep within her heart, or perhaps it was her adoptive mother Joscelin that had tought her to kick their ass's if necessary. But she still couldn't stand the idea. She would rather adopt then give herself up to a man.
    OOC: She'd love to be in the spiritual caste.... But having a biological child is not her forte
    [Image: celeana1_zps6eonkecp.gif?w=480&h=480&fit...1483304507]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste. - by Celeana - 10-11-2016, 06:52 PM

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