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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I can't shake this little feeling - a n y
    She was livid and it reflected in her hot glare. He plucked her off the ground like some weightless ragdoll, gripping her shoulders and holding her in place useless before him. And then he smiled. Uh oh. That's not good.

    Her breath caught as he moved in --hot breath, soft lips, sharp bite-- and once again he tasted her blood. Tangy and sweet, laced with the tingling spice of her magic. It flashed within her body, and even before he spoke she was healed again, only an eerie shade of blue blood marking where he had been. No pain. "Mine," he claimed as he pulled away enough to meet her eyes again. An electric chill shot through her at what she saw in them. Heat. Craving.

    "Then I will go." Softly spoken, her boy consented as he stepped next to the beast and examined her. "Come on, my Angel. He will show us the way. I will walk beside you." Her heart sank. She was failing him. This devil had already began his poison of corruption, fooled the boy into trusting him. A guilty part of her didn't want to correct him when he called her Angel. She didn't deserve that title, had yet to earn it. But it felt good. So she ignored it for now, neither confirming nor denying the name.

    His head reached for the blood still lying against her navy skin. She gasped quietly and jerked away.
    No need. I heal, she said shortly to fend him off. Her blood was a potent tonic, she was learning. Addictive. He would taste, and he would crave more. She didn't think the beast even realized his own addiction yet. More secrets to keep. A pang of guilt followed, hoping she hadn't seemed offended. His kindness toward her sunk deeper than she'd let it be known. Show no weakness. But he only melted her further with his affirmation: "you will always be a part of Heaven."  She smiled sadly at him in thanks.

    He was good, he was kind. And this bastard was going to take that from him, rape it, murder it. Warp him into something else. Damn straight, she was going with them. She would not allow him to be broken; she would be his shield from the darkness.

    Release me. I will walk. Her eyes were hard when she met the devil's again, if not the barest touch cloudier. Her resolve was absolute, she would come along. But her heart broke for what she left behind. Lauchlan.  He was all she had in this world. Her friend wouldn't know what happened to her. All that would be left of her passing was a spot of blue blood in the snow. And her bumbling fool probably wouldn't even find it, her silly Lauchlan. She felt the painful prick of tears behind her eyes and firmly shoved him from her mind.

    Show no weakness.
    Image © Wizards of the Coast LLC

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    RE: I can't shake this little feeling - a n y - by Raeg'n - 01-13-2017, 04:31 PM

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