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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [OPEN] Hurricane
    Diable Rouge was uncertain of what to do now. The situation was so unlike anything he had experienced, he didn’t know how to react. The mare was striking, not only in her looks, but in her demonstrative personality. She wasn’t overbearing, but the way she could just come up and prank him, retreat as if he had bit her, then become sociable again was intimidating to him – he had never met someone like her before.
    The summer heat waned as the sun began to go down, and a comfortable chill breeze blew through Rou’s rust-colored mane. The mare suddenly plucked at his mane, causing him to move back involuntarily – no one had ever touched him so gently before. He cleared his throat, feeling bad for his sudden movement, for seeming so uncomfortable with a conversation that for some would seem normal.
    “Rou,” The mare spoke. “Much more fitting. You do not look like…whatever it is you said before.” Rou’s mouth curls at the end, faint remnants of a smile. He couldn’t exactly tell if she was joking around, but either way, it made Rou’s heart warm, and he felt a slight chuckle emerge. He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed.
    “I haven’t seen you around, where are you from?” She asked. Rou immediately tensed. Where was he from? A simple question for most, but it made memories of his dark past swell in his brain.
    Blood. Screams. Murder.
    Death. Death. Death.
    Shake it, shake it away, Rou. He thought to himself. It’s just a question.
    “Um…” He started, trying to make his words sound easy. “Just from…around.” He lied. He decided it was best to hold his cards close to his chest. He didn’t want to trust this mare…well, he did. But putting his trust in others scared him, more than anything in this world. He took a deep breath, looking down once more. “Where…are you from?” He asked, unsure of how to keep a conversation going. He looked up again, his muscles easing as he saw her beautiful golden flecks gazing curiously at him. She had a power over him no one else in the world had. Just her gaze sent his mind wandering, daydreaming. If she had this kind of power over him by just her eyes, he couldn’t imagine her power over him with her beautiful words.

    Messages In This Thread
    [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 02-13-2017, 09:19 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by Ellyse - 02-13-2017, 11:02 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 02-14-2017, 01:19 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by Ellyse - 02-14-2017, 03:10 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 02-16-2017, 07:32 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by Ellyse - 02-17-2017, 02:42 AM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 02-17-2017, 07:42 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by Ellyse - 02-17-2017, 08:32 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 02-18-2017, 09:51 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by Ellyse - 02-22-2017, 01:44 AM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 03-28-2017, 10:45 AM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by Ellyse - 04-18-2017, 12:53 PM
    RE: [OPEN] Hurricane - by swxrdsandpxns - 06-29-2017, 09:23 PM

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