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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    give me love and all your hate [M]; diz

    She used to growl. She used to snarl. She used to snap at flesh and cut with words. She used to savor the blood of her attacks with a delicious tongue, verbal or otherwise. Vicious, wicked. And so goddamn hot.

    Now she was this. Now she was more. She breathed little gasps under his careful attention, uttered sweet moans. Each little sound from her only drove him deeper into this trap they laid, heedless of the consequences. As always. His heart raced in their wonderful madness, his breath short and airy against her skin. Dov. Damnit, she sounded fucking amazing, her voice so thick with desire for him. For him.

    Her head tipped back as he trailed deep, sensual kisses up her throat. Yes, she urged him. She knew him, knew what he wanted to do, and he answered her with that sweet little bite, that precious pinch of her flesh between his teeth. God, she tasted so good. She arched again into that touch, dragging more of those fantastic, hungry noises from her delicious lips, that sexy throat. He huffed against her, sharp exhales as he tried to catch his breath. This was bad. God, this was so damn good. Fucking, Diz.

    I want you, he told her, staring into her eyes as he rested a lingering kiss at the corner of her mouth. Those foggy, brown eyes were wide as she looked back at him, still so wonderfully nervous at what he was doing to her, where they were headed. His attention snagged to her lip as she worried it between her teeth. Yes, she whispered, perfectly terrified, Give me all of you, Dov. Please.

    He brushed his mouth across hers, softly kissed her lip free of her teeth with barely a tease of his tongue. It was his job to bite them, anyway, not hers. She felt so good, tasted so good.

    Damn, he could really do this, couldn't he? He could give her all of him, all the rest that she was barely seeing. His love. He could savor every bit of her, cherish every inch of her, rock so slowly, so deeply into her until she begged him for more. Until she was driven mad with need and demanded him faster, harder. God, and he would love it, watching her come undone, and he'd deny her those needs, he would show her she didn't need rough to reach oblivion. He could take her there, take them both there. Together.

    He could do it.
    If Leliana wasn't still haunting him.

    And if it's what you want, I'll give you all of me too.
    Bottomless, black eyes delved deep into hers again, searching for the truth. Would she really? Could she? Would she do it for him? He could do it for her. Not today, not just now. But he could. She knew him, all his darkness, all the wicked and cruel. She didn't just know it, she liked it. She was the only one that could really love him, wasn't she?

    He hated that she made perfect sense.

    Diz, he moaned softly, desperately hungry, his lips crashing into hers with a deep kiss. Their first kiss? Damnit, he wanted to. He wished he could just let go and be with her. Let it all go, never again worry on the damage he brings, never feel the pain following in his wake. Because she knew pain already, she could handle it. But..


    He forced himself to stop, fought against the desire driving him further into her, aching to fill her. A sad sigh slid from his lips and he slowly opened his eyes to meet hers again. I think that is a promise you can't keep, he said softly, brushing his lips over her smooth velvet nose. And it was a promise he, temporarily, couldn't keep as well. He had a lost love to mourn, and when he gave his heart, he gave it all. So maybe neither of them could give all of themselves. Not yet. He had his hiccup in this, and she had Zoryn. He wasn't sure she could ever give all of herself, to anyone, not even him. Unless it was Zor.

    So maybe he shouldn't hope for this either.

    I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound
    I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: give me love and all your hate; diz - by Dovev - 03-14-2017, 12:53 AM

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