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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    would you show me the meaning of love; nier
    Mmm, she loved it. So slowly he brought her to rise, to new heights she'd had no notion of. He was methodical, coaxing and guiding her through sensations she'd never felt before; a steady hand, a soft touch. Stirring and heating her so carefully, soaking in the changes in her as she grew more frantic, a little wilder, so much more wanting. Needing him to show her how to end her new and delicious madness. Mmm, and he did. But he let her writhe and wiggle first, made her body sing and her heartbeat drown out the world around her.

    He wasn't unaffected, of course. What would be the point if he felt nothing? Her untouched passion ignited him, sent his blood rushing through him in that fantastic way. Her unknowing pushes against him captured his breath each time. And watching her try to return his attention, so stubbornly and perfectly learning just what to do to make him moan too.. So good.

    She was definitely worth that slow and gradual build. So naturally a perfect match for him and not even aware of it. It should have scared the hell out of him, he should have hated it. Maybe he would later. But for now, all he could do was revel in it, breathe in the scent of her, listen to her panting and then the soft sigh as she collapsed against him after everything. So sated, so completely and wonderfully fulfilled. Mmm, he hummed low.

    She rubbed her face gently against his unseen body, breathing about how good that idea of theirs was. The best idea. He pulled away from her enough to see that beautiful face, memorize it. This one definitely called for a repeat. Not yet, not so soon. But again. And then maybe again. Keep tabs on his sweet li'l dove.

    He looked at her so softly, tracing the curves of her face, a slow and gentle stroke of feathered fingers against her cheek as he carefully removed the mist of invisibility over green eyes. She was a precious thing, wasn't she? A strange part of him never wanted to share her, and that wasn't his style. Does what he wants, when he wants, who he wants. Doesn't care what they do after. But this one...

    He met her eyes and held them, dipping to lightly kiss the top of her nose as he revealed the rest of his face. Didn't do this either, did he? They never get to see him, just a ghost, just a memory to keep them up at night with the very best dreams. A fantasy. Nothing real, not a face. An empty illusion.

    This is something special between us, he told her so softly. Gotta make sure she doesn't run off to another, doesn't he? It wouldn't be like this with anyone else. Trust me. He kissed the corner of her mouth, slowly trailed to her cheek. We'll do it again sometime, li'l dove. I'll come for you again. Until then..

    I'm Nier. And I'll be watching over you.
    Green eyes sparked in amusement, before he vanished once again.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: would you show me the meaning of love; nier - by Nier - 03-26-2017, 05:57 PM

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