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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    He tells her "ooh love" - Reilly & Kharon
    He does worry over her, despite his attempts not to. Despite the many ounces of effort he put in not to watch her turn to leave (and the way the muscles of her rump ripple under the chocolate and cream of her coat, the gentle swish of her lush tail, as she walks), entrusting him with the care of her young twins. He simply can't help but to wonder what goes through her head. What she is going off to do. How long she would need. Not so much now, because of course the twins would need another feeding before too long, but how long would it be before the light returns to her eyes and the fire in her that he knows is there. Fucking hell, when had he become so invested in someone? In her? Her kids. Her well-being. He feels as though he's always been here, always known her, even if he hadn't. As though all he could hope for is for her to be restored and then... Hell, he is so screwed.

    So many thoughts, so many questions, threaten to swell up his brain until it could explode. Can't be havin' that. Not when there are two eager little faces staring up at him. Oh yes, completely screwed, he thinks as he is unable to fight a crooked smile at those wide and expectant eyes. So bright and young. Innocent. Reilly can hardly remember what that even feels like. They're turning him into mush though, and he feels himself softening further when Kharon bumps noses with him. And little Kylin, sweet lil thing that she is, a bit smaller and more slender than her brother, sidling up beside him as he curls one lavender wing over her back. By Jaysus, they're cute tiny things.

    So soft, was he, like some giant Irish teddy bear, that when they ask if he will be staying he nearly feels his knees giving out beneath him. More than that, they each say they want him to stay. Stay. What does that even mean? He smiles at them, giving a soft chuckle as he lowers his head to nuzzle them both. In doing so, he eyes the lavender and white of their coats, smells their mother on their fur. They've already become a part of him, a fact he can't deny, and the fact they want him near is so far beyond anything he's ever felt. It brings to light one solid truth. "I don't think I could leave if I tried." Lifting his head back to look at them, though still level, his expression becomes slightly more solemn. "It's not always up to us though, laddies." Best not to promise them something he couldn't keep. "Not to worry, loves. Don't plan on goin' anywhere anytime soon." A crooked grin and a playful twinkle in his blue-green gaze, he nudges the boy and lips at the girl playfully before trotting off. "How's about a game, eh? Anything ya'd like ta play?"

    This is perfect, love! <3 & of course, Reilly is coming with ^_^

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    RE: He tells her "ooh love" - Reilly & Kharon - by Reilly - 04-02-2017, 10:37 PM

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