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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Rose in the Rain [Lucrezia]

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    The crown had been given to her to hold now. With it came the responsibility and power of the very place she called home. Those within the kingdom had did not disagree with her to be the next ruler of Tephra. And why should they? She had proven herself since the beginning of the time she had called this volcanic land her home. Magnus would not so easily offer her the crown if she had not been the right choice. He had stayed and protected this very place from the beginning, and creating a place where all could be safe.

    Lucrezia had the same dream. She still wanted to continue the legacy Magnus had left behind. These residents that called this place home deserved to have their peace and a place they could safely come to when needed. Tephra was good and warming—almost too good that it would be a likely place to come and destroy for what it all stood for. Of course anything was possible to happen, but she would never let Tephra fall down like her own kingdom had once before.

    Tephra would not be destroyed by hungry thieves and the fairies of Beqanna again. This time she would be prepared for all things that came to threaten the very place and people she was responsible for. Lucrezia was ready to rule with a strong iron fist, but also with a governance of morality and virtue.

    She is not found alone for long today. The sound of approaching hooves against the crispy, dry grass draws her attention to the source—a bright bay stallion. Lucrezia does not recall his name, only simply he had been at the meeting when she had been passed the crown and announced the next ruler of Tephra.

    His greeting is quick and already aimed at drawing his point for approaching her. “Hello,” she simply says with a smile and allows him to continue. When he does she cannot help but smile at his determination and driven desire to serve. Loyalty and duty sang strong within the bones of this one called Nymphetamine. However, her smile fades when he mentions the Chamber. It brings a sour taste to her mouth. A thousand memories that linger in the back of her mind come forward. Memories of running around the dark pine trees, conversations with her father and sister, and hearing the heart in the very center of the kingdom.

    It is almost like she can hear it now. The beating has never left her head—it is soft but so alive.

    Lucrezia swallows, finding her words once more. Her smile does not return but rather holds a more neutral expression and tone in her voice. “The Chamber,” she says flatly, “I did not think I would ever hear of that place again.” A hellhole, she wants to say but keeps her own emotions and thoughts to herself. It was a past she must leave behind—it would only bring her down. “I do not recall a Kildare ruling the Chamber. I remember my sis-Straia,” she corrects herself quickly, “ruling the Chamber.”

    Lucrezia wonders what has happened to her dear sister now. The one she thought she would always find a helping hand in when she needed it. She had been terribly wrong on that, especially when she came to go see her in the Chamber one last time. Lucrezia has never looked back on that day again. She cannot anymore.

    “Was Kildare ruling before the Reckoning came?” She wonders, curiously, because the past has come to haunt her and she knows how desperately the Chamber and Valley would fight to have another kingdom in their grasp. “What exactly did you do as leader of the diplomats in the Chamber?” Lucrezia asks. She will poke and jab all she likes on this subject. No one could tell her no now. Her word was final, despite having a council and all. Yet, she must remember she cannot fall into temptations. Lucrezia lets herself relax a little while her nutmeg gaze remains entirely on the bay stallion.
    ...too close to the bottom.
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    RE: Like a Rose in the Rain [Lucrezia] - by Lucrezia - 04-02-2017, 11:04 PM

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