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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Quand on n'a que l'amour - any

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    Lucrezia laughs softly at the young mare’s eagerness. It filled her with such joy to see another enjoy the same things she liked too. Adventures had always made her appreciate the world around her a little more, and even so it had made her feel more a part of something bigger. It gave her a sense of purpose. She wanted to feel more like anything that she was given it her all to the cards she was given in her life, even if she had changed them just a little than what had been anticipated for her.

    “Of course we can!” She agreed all to excitedly as Amorette had. Lucrezia would always have a heart of a child, but a mind like an adult. Her answer would always be yes to an adventure. “Yes, you can feel it on your skin. It’s very hot,” she says, “And you might just have to wait and see if the lava makes that sizzling sound!” Lucrezia teases her playfully.

    She nods at the mare’s words being back in her home. The change had been hard, but they had come together. Strangers that now had become just like family. It was peculiar to think of sometimes how a disaster had brought them all together. She only hopes it will continue to bring them all together, at least for the future generations of Beqanna.

    When Amorette mentions the Gates her ears perk up. “I remember the Gates and hearing about Mourning Mountains at one point. I mostly visited the kingdoms since I lived in the Deserts and worked as a diplomat.” She had never known the herd life, only of kingdoms and pursuing to climb the ranks at the demand of her father. Her life had changed since them, especially with the new family she had made in the sandy kingdom at one point and now in Tephra. “I loved my wings too,” she says softly, remembering them being taken from her when the Reckoning came. “Everything that the kingdoms had ever given their people had been taken away, and even now some of us have been stripped of our abilities.” It was a strange and foreign thing in the way magic worked within Beqanna.
    ...too close to the bottom.
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    Messages In This Thread
    Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Amorette - 03-19-2017, 05:34 AM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Lucrezia - 03-20-2017, 06:16 PM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Amorette - 03-22-2017, 07:29 AM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Lucrezia - 03-26-2017, 12:02 AM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Amorette - 03-27-2017, 01:29 PM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Lucrezia - 03-31-2017, 11:28 PM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Amorette - 04-03-2017, 01:18 PM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Lucrezia - 04-03-2017, 07:47 PM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Amorette - 04-17-2017, 10:25 AM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - any - by Lucrezia - 04-29-2017, 03:57 PM

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