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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This Place Seemed Pretty Cool (Any)
    Zhenga loved being challenged, especially to contests of speed. Whenever her dam had caught up to her during one of her morning runs, the two made a race out of it, seeing who could beat the other to the herd's main grazing meadow, the lake, the south stream, whatever destination they had in mind.

    She was so busy enjoying herself that she almost failed to notice the colt racing beside her, only picking up on his presence when she felt a breeze by her shoulder. She glanced over, seeing the purple-paint colored horse with wings as proud as his eyes, his powerful legs carrying him alongside each stride Zhenga took.

    The filly's mouth turned upward in a smirk, eager to see what kind of running this winged colt could take. With ease and the practice she'd developed from her dam's teachings, Zhenga kicked it up a notch, her legs propelling her over the ground a few strides ahead of the colt.. Her muscled coiled when she brought her legs back, her muscles bulging under the skin as she ran. The colt was keeping pace with her, his wings flapping like he was trying to take off. The only reason Zhenga knew about this was because she'd seen a couple winged horses in the Field take to the skies, and it sure seemed like the colt was trying to do the same.

    At his age, why couldn't he, Zhenga wondered, thinking it had something to do with his wings, maybe being injured or that he couldn't use them.

    Finally, after running several dozen yards down the sandy beach, the filly and colt started slowing down. By the time they came to a halt, Zhenga's neck was lined with beads of sweat, her mane plastered to her roan-colored fur. Her points were still dark from her earlier trip in the ocean, and now dotted with sand due to her run down the beach. The end of her tail was also covered in the white powder, and her ears had a few specks that had been kicked up by the colt's wings. With a shake of her head, they were gone.

    Zhenga finally turned her electric blue eyes to the paint colt, taking a moment to catch her breath before responding to his question.

    "What gave it away genius? The fact I was running like I've never seen a beach?" she asked sarcastically. While her dam had always taught Zhenga to mind her tongue around strangers, especially in their own territory, she sometimes couldn't help it if her snarky self came through. "Yeah; I wanted to see what this place was like, see if it could make a good home. I finally left my own herd and wanted to see what this island had. I heard it was really pretty and ruled by some purple stallion after the queen was kicked out."

    The colt looked around as he went on to tell her about another horse, apparently his sister, which would be obvious since she looked like him. Perhaps he was looking for her? Zhenga's eyes scanned the tree line but didn't see anything at first, so she turned back to the colt.

    "My name's Zhenga; my dam thought it's meaning was nice apparently. It would've been a better name for a princess if you ask me, but I'm not complaining because I could've gotten a horrible one instead," she offered, tapping the ground with her hoof a few times as she spoke proudly of the title she'd been given.

    Messages In This Thread
    This Place Seemed Pretty Cool (Any) - by Zhenga - 05-17-2017, 10:45 PM
    RE: This Place Seemed Pretty Cool (Any) - by Zhenga - 05-24-2017, 02:45 PM

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