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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you can have my isolation. || warrick, amet & nayl
    Warrick takes a staggering breath as he continues to take in the scenery, the putrid smell of death and burnt vegetation stinging his nostrils as he inhales. His emotions are in a flurry, causing the sloping lines of his face to harden as his jaw tightens and clenches, an uncertain mix of sadness and anger resting solidly on his normally gentle features. He has ties to Hyaline, ties that he did not expect to make but is thankful for, and his heart aches for the kingdom that isn’t his and for the destruction that is not his business. He agreed to come with Offspring to the quiet and secluded Hyaline, desperate to somehow help the small yet thriving kingdom, but knowing that there is nothing he could possibly do.

    Another comes towards them, a bit of aggression in the way she strides towards them (though Warrick does not blame her, he is on edge as well back in Tephra, and the destruction had not even touched him there, not physically). She says nothing, but he remembers that she had also said nothing the first time he had met her here. The telepath was the first that he had ever encountered that last visit, and for a moment he wonders why her voice did not penetrate his mind like last time. Even without words, her expression and body language says it all. She is not happy with their presence in Hyaline and in response, Warrick lowers his head a few degrees apologetically, the movement causing his thick and tangled forelock to fall over his wide, concerned eyes.

    It does not take long for Amet to appear, the bronze-gilded stallion sparkling brilliantly in the winter’s sun; Warrick’s gaze lifts and ears prick forward, genuinely happy to see the young king’s familiar face. His pulse quickens as the blue-bay wonders if Amet knows of Tang’s current…state, but now was not the time to worry about that. With a soft snort, Warrick returns the dragon-scaled king’s greeting with a swift nod of his head. The stallion can see the uncertainty that plays loosely in Amet’s eyes, knowing that seeing Offspring as his companion would alarm him. Warrick’s eyes fall downcast, knowing that what Offspring was here to tell them would not be as light-hearted as Amet would probably be hoping.

    With no powers of his own, Warrick is not affected by Amet’s suppression of the others, but he could feel the tension rise even though no words have been spoken yet. It causes him to nervously ruffle the feathers of his large wings, their downy spines quietly brushing together and filling the silence.

    The rumbling, discernable voice of Offspring fills the void. Dutifully and obediently, the bay stallion bows his head so that his chin rests near his chest, listening intently and remaining stoically silent as his King explains what he already knew. For a long moment, Warrick does not look at anyone besides the hardened black of his own hooves, staring at the burnt and dead grass that had crushed easily with his weight.

    The silence that follows is even worse than the silence from before. It is ear-shattering, causing Warrick to finally glance up with sorrowful and troubled eyes – first to Amet, and then to Nayl. It is not his place to say anything, to offer apologies or to smooth the now strain that builds between the two kingdoms as they stand face to face. It finally breaks, with the venomous voice of Nayl filling his ears. Her words, full of maliciousness and the intent to wound, does not surprise him.

    Warrick is unsure if he should even look at Amet; the stallion had come to him out of gratitude and friendship, and now Warrick returns the favor by bringing him the knowledge that his home had been burned by a Tephran.
    like the sun,
    swallowed up by the earth

    @[Amet] @[Nayl] @[Molotov] @[Offspring]

    Messages In This Thread
    you can have my isolation. || warrick, amet & nayl - by Offspring - 07-06-2017, 08:52 AM
    RE: you can have my isolation. || warrick, amet & nayl - by Offspring - 07-08-2017, 03:09 PM
    RE: you can have my isolation. || warrick, amet & nayl - by Warrick - 07-15-2017, 01:33 PM
    RE: you can have my isolation. || warrick, amet & nayl - by Offspring - 07-30-2017, 11:25 AM

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