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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Gotta love me now.... Or never [Dovev]
    html by Toli, overall design and quote style based on "Dovev" by Laura

    He was free today. She did that sometimes, let him loose to make him think she was done with him, only to bring him back again. Only to take control of his mind, his body again. But didn’t she see that he liked it? Didn’t she know that was why he never went home - always expected to go back to her - never went to find those he cared about? Never let them fall under her radar more than what she could glean from his mind. She probably did know, though. Maybe the whole thing was just a mind game to her. Maybe she was already here, watching him wonder, watching him spin her around in his thoughts again and again, how they consumed him.

    How he was consumed by her.

    So when he saw a face he recognized, he nearly immediately turned away. But. Something was different, something was wrong. He frowned and turned back, already walking towards her with deliberate steps. If Violence hadn’t learned of her already, it was too late to hide it anyway, so whatever. If she even cared. Probably didn’t. He just liked to play it safe, just in case. But he couldn’t very well walk away from this. Couldn’t walk away from her again, not when she looked at him like that, her eyes missing that radiant light they used to hold captive within them as they fell away from his hard stare.

    She almost smiled, as though she hadn’t really seen him. Because why the hell would anyone smile at seeing him again? ”What happened to you?” he demanded as he came to a stop before her, his bottomless black eyes and smooth voice sharp as he looked her over, observing the blisters and boils covering her beautiful skin. He had to be that way. Had to be blunt and bladed, otherwise he’d be too soft, his eyes would be too warm. Too real. He’d feel too much.

    He immediately hated whatever or whoever had done this to her. These things on her must have hurt, must have been painful. And goddamn whatever had stolen that light from her eyes. Hadn’t she been through enough already? With great detail, he could remember the intricate network of scars she was hiding beneath those delicate wings of her bright plumage. The scars he’d stolen, demanded to see from her, taunting her in his malicious ways. Hadn’t turned out quite like either of them expected that day, maybe. Probably today wouldn’t either.

    That was when those lovely eyes fell, her gaze dropping to his feet, maybe realizing he really was there before her. His frown deepened, and he reached out to her, tucked what was visible of his nose beneath her chin and forced that fragile stare up to meet him again before releasing her to look into her eyes. The plate of bone guarding his face had grown with time, covering him like a mask and leaving his black eyes to peer back from the stony ivory with concern. And his anger was clear as well, though he made an effort to soften his voice a little this time. ”What happened, Aurora?” He was almost surprised when her name came to mind so easily, but held his stern expression. So often forgetful. Forgetting the names and the faces. Remembering her, though. This time.

    ”Did someone do this to you?”
    He’d fucking beat the shit out of them.

    my job is done so now i'll ride out of town - im sorry honey but i'll just let you down
    you'll be addicted the moment you kiss me - but i only do love when it's soaked in whiskey


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    RE: Gotta love me now.... Or never [Dovev] - by Dovev - 07-25-2017, 02:08 AM

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