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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    // grey skies will chase the light away // any

    He stood, an earth colored statue against the failed light of the moon. He had roughed himself up, a disheveled mess, staring across the clearing at the golden doe. A crisp fall breeze caused the only movement. His mane and feathers that were not currently snagged with twigs gently blew where they were bid.

    Looking at her with a narrowed gaze, he watched as she closed the distance that separated them. A straw colored tower, bigger than himself even, supported by lean muscle. An oddly sinewy form she had for such a large being, he thought as she made her way to him. She honed in quickly, their separation ending as she seemed to forget all formalities. Perhaps, she had not been raised accustomed to leaving a healthy
    berth between herself and others. Perhaps, he had been raised with too many. Whatever the case, he didn't deem it appropriate.

    Once she spoke, he thought her smug. "The night hasn't faired well for you." A pointed statement, one to which he mentally responded with Obviously. She glided ever gently nearer, inch by inch an odd behavior the way he viewed it. Flicking her tail, twisting her form this way and that. What the hell was she doing? He had grown up with an older sister, had witnessed her games and facades. This was looking to him very similar, but she was doing it why?

    Chocolate oculars sought to derive a meaning to this dance, this display going on around him. One he had no control over, that made him feel awkward and annoyed. She was flapping about, looking at him strangely, his nares flaring in response. A breath of air dispelled from them, before he cleared his throat. "Its Killdare", he returned in short, flicking his tail at insects. "Fights with trees", she asked, her laughter tinkling into his head.

    "I can assure you it is entirely unintentional, though I'm not sure to assume the same..", he drawled off, the sentence hanging as he eyed her with a furrowed stare. Otherwise completely ignoring her routine, he moved the conversation along, it could be far more productive he decided.

    Moving his bay from around, and then past her, he circled around. Once again placing a healthy, and dignified gap between them."How do you do it?"he questioned, after all he had determined they were herd mates. The Chamber had made its mark and its scent to claim her, of that he was sure."The trees," he gestured with a nodding of his crown,"how are you so, well...large and move through them so easily?" It was evident that he was irritated by this fact. If she could do it, then why couldnt he? Well, he wanted to learn, even if that meant taking instruction on the matter from someone taller than he.

    ((Notes: he just cant understand why anyone would behave in such a way XD))

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    RE: // grey skies will chase the light away // any - by Killdare - 06-21-2015, 04:04 PM

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