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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    // grey skies will chase the light away // any


    on tarnished golden wings

    Caramel skin was peppered with a long, almost delicious shiver. From every little nodule in my spine to the knitted structure of my hooves. It was either the autumn's bitter promise of w winter on its way, or the sharpness in the air current. The shiver came from his words, honest, blunt. He did not beat around the bush per say, he, just like with the trees bulldozed right through. My lips twitched, tweaked ever so slightly, a crooked little smirk, that soon dispersed. Idly my pendulum tail swished to and fro: bothersome flies and their pestering. Perhaps there was something else? I had not met one yet who spoke as honest as the lines in the bark of the tree. Everything in the world is beautifully carved deception, dressed as the truth. It refreshes me somewhat. And of course I had to let him now. He may not be one for compliments, but I was certainly one to utter flattery of it were true.

    'Your honesty is becoming.
    , Killdare. Bluntness can be tactful, you know.'
    I angle myself, large frame shifting, one foot from the other. Veins pulse with a new found interest, a quicker race inside. The heartbeats still rang hollow in my chest, the locked cage squeaky with every gentle thud. 'My mother once told me that beauty was everything. It could get anything you desired.' a little insight never harmed a soul. My gossamer threads fell, rolled like cascading snow mountain tops, down, down my neck as I snaked it here. My ears twitch, one reverting right back into the nestle of cream locks, the other kept solely upon the bay steed. 'Ultimately beauty can destroy you, one piece at a time. It did not do my mother any good.' I had tried to save her from my fathers iron grip; be eliminating him completely I thought she would come around. But I failed. She lay at the bottom of the mountains, bones crushed like weak stone, her scarlet life patterning the earth. I still remember her fading heartbeat, like some fading song upon the wind.

    'Beauty isn't everything.' I don't talk to anyone in particular, the words come like shards of ice from my lips. A bitterness starting to creep and seep through the facade I wear so well. I suppose even the well made masks start to crack in time? I shift again, willowy frame unknotting from its stillness, like boughs of a tree. I am steady, each foot sure, as they place upon the dry loam beneath. 'Flowers wither and die. I like to think myself more like the moon, the sun. A never ending presence, but equally as gleaming.' I'm silent then, azure eyes locking on to his. That unnerving silence, awkward, cold. It shatters like glass when I laugh. Delicate, airy. My head bobs with the motion, my chest fluttering just the same. My laughter dies a slow death into the night air then, and I'm once more kept busy by the long scrutiny of him. Every nook of his face I store within, every harsh breath in his voice, the taste of his skin as the breeze twists and turns past us. You meet thousands of souls in your lifetime, you are meant to try and learn something from every one of them. I think, perhaps too brazenly, I have learnt something from the bay steed, and he, never wanting to admit if, has possibly learnt something from me.

    'No, the trees, this whole place, it shudders beneath but dares to give way. There's a magical sort of feeling. You want to conserve every little bit here. It's strange.' my words are hollow, magically woven with silk and velvet. I step closer, wary still, there's a warmth that radiates from Killdare, it's enticing me near. My body is cold, not just from the wind, and the briefest thought of warmth was delightful. I stamp a hoof, stray flies darting away when the twigs beneath snap with satisfying cracks. 'I'm sure you have your way with teeth and muscles, like I have my way with words. Equally as different but ultimately the same.' my tone is wistful then, smooth. 'The Chamber, does it feel like home already to you? As though you will shed blood to protect it from harm? It's quite... Unnerving how I'm feeling unbiasedly loyal to this land, already.' a promising little nodule, words of slithering hope in slick hands.

    even the angels start to fall

    Thank you Smile I love yours too. Killdare is great <3

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    RE: // grey skies will chase the light away // any - by Engelsfors - 06-22-2015, 02:23 AM

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