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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You flee my dream come morning [Jah Lilah/Any]
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    His heart aches to see Ciri still upon the moist earth, her frame tattered and weak. Countless times, thoughts of Djinni had surfaced in Amet's head, curious whether or not she kept a secret power tucked away, one that could mend torn skin and unimaginable fatigue. But he's afraid that it will scare her away, this silver-eyed mare with too much pride to truly ask for help, and he doesn't want her to think that he pities her. So he's allowed her to heal on her own (he remembers the way Iset had always preferred to lick her wounds from Him in private), despite the desire to do more for her. He realizes now, though, that he hadn't thought about the mental healing that would be involved after such an experience, or the way she'd still feel unsafe even within a protected territory.

    Ciri reaches for him with her dark muzzle and Amet is swift to return the gesture. He snakes his leather-plated head out to the mare who lies folded neatly against the shore still and presses his soft muzzle gently to her cheek. He hopes, fleetingly, that she cannot hear his pounding heart that has only now begun to slow. His adrenaline spike had been short-lived, but powerful.

    "No apologizing," he whispers to her ear and a warm smile takes the place of his previously worried expression, "I just needed to know you were safe." And just then does the Dragon King realize he has not released his hold on the mares, so with an apologetic nod to the flame-kissed mare that had come to visit Ciri, Amet allows his nihilism to recoil within him, giving them free reign to express their abilities once more.

    "I'm sorry for subduing your powers," he offers almost sheepishly to the electric maiden, "I couldn't take any chances..." The stallion's voice trails off as his amber eyes flick back to Ciri. He hadn't expected to find the injured mare along the shoreline of his crystalline lake, but he's discovered over the last few days that he had was glad she had chosen Hyaline to run to (or appear in, whichever you choose). His desire to care for others has blossomed during his time in Beqanna, and he knows that he would, unquestioningly, do whatever it takes to keep the smokey black mare safe.

    No longer on guard, or even feeling remotely threatened, by the unfamiliar mare (who seems to exude tranquility), the Dragon King lowers himself to the earth beside Ciri, just as he had the day he'd found her. He extends his forelegs against the dirt and lets the water lap around his hooves as he brushes his maw against her cheek once more. "I didn't mean to take your stars away. Will you... Will you show us again?"

    @[Ciri] @[Jah-Lilah]

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    RE: You flee my dream come morning [Jah Lilah/Any] - by Amet - 09-07-2017, 03:58 PM

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