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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i feel a bad moon rising - zhenga, amet, any


    The piebald’s eyes rove across her ravaged skin and she tenses slightly though she forces the smile to remain on her lips. She always wonders what they make of her, what they see when their gaze falls on each and every scar, if they only knew the story they told. The long claw marks that had sliced over the flesh of her shoulder. The many various smaller cuts made from beaks and talons. His gaze doesn’t linger longer then necessary, finding her swirling iris’s quickly and offering a warm greeting in return.

    Ivar of Loess. She remembers faintly something Amet has said about Loess recently but she can’t recall most of it. Lately she has been preoccupied. The young female at his side whispers softly into his ear and she looks at her curiously, wondering if she had somehow offended them. Luckily it seems she has not, their visitors merely wish to speak to her dragon on kingdom matters and to see the beauty that was Hyaline. She relaxes slightly, it is an easy enough request to fulfill.

    ”I would be happy to.” She agrees quietly with a soft smile that tugs at the corner of her dark lips. ”Besides, I have an idea where he might be.” Since his beloved wisteria tree had been restored, he spends most of his time there if not consumed by other business. It’s where she curls up with him at night if they don’t seek the privacy of their sensual hideaway.

    As she falls in step just slightly before Ivar to lead them, Amet unexpectedly appears. Seeing him causes the familiar fluttering of emotions. The stir of desire at her core, the affection that wraps light fingers around her heart, the pulse of uncertainty of all that he is and all they may or may not be. The stars in her eyes brighten visibly though as he appears and without a word settles beside her, placing his possessive caress along her neck. He seems to do that more often since that day with Castile. It sends a shudder along her spine, both of pleasure and foreboding.

    In return she nuzzles the scaled curve of his shoulder, not ashamed of the open affection she gives in front of their visitors. Since their night of pleasure, she begins to feel more comfortable in showing such public displays. Finding her own sense of possessiveness over her dragon. As Ivar’s question remains unanswered, she is quick to pick up the dropped threads of conversation. ”I arrived in Hyaline last winter.” She hesitates, knowing the word arrived is the most fitting way to explain her appearance on the lake. And had it been that long since she had been here? The months seemed to fly by lately. ”I was ill and Amet showed me much kindness in letting me stay till I was better.” She warmly turns her affectionate gaze to him, recalling the way he had nursed her back to health with the help of the red wytch.

    Amet then takes the lead and she falls back without complaint, this was his kingdom after all. However he does compliment her attentiveness and she merely offers him her swirling gaze, searching into the molten gold of his own. ”I like to be useful.” She finally responds with a small smile. Wanting to stand in Hyaline on her own four feet by her own merit instead of being known only as the warm body he sought his pleasure with.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i feel a bad moon rising - zhenga, amet, any - by Ciri - 10-17-2017, 12:24 AM

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