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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Growing pains are supposed to hurt - Crevan

    forget all the names we used to know

    Crevan falls into the sun. Spiraling through pain and fear, the young wolf feels himself thrown backwards by the force of her protection as violet fills his lungs, eyes, ears, nose. There’s nothing at first except blinding light, all around him, and then he realizes that his body has stopped moving altogether - but not stopped functioning.

    He feels … dead. Not the numbing death that was comparable to his spine being snapped. Not the calm, quiet death of sleep-that-never-ends. Not even like the gasping, choking death of drowning; no, this death is horrid from beginning to end. “Who do you think you are?” The filly screams, a lilting sort of tone that, normally, would’ve roused a smile to his furred cheeks.

    “I run with wolves.” He thinks at first, unaware that he is a raw husk of melted skin, lying useless and motionless but for quick, stunning breaths of air to show his pulse. “I play with fire.” He should say, but right now the patches of cells are reaching across his body to connect in webs of healthy growth. Fur begins to sprout along his tail.

    “I fear no death.” He growls half-heartedly, rising on shaking paws while the rest of his fur begins to fill and thicken. Pain, the harsh bitch, is finally receding as he turns to look for the squared filly - laughably, the two are nearly face-to-face in height, though distance still keeps them apart. “My name is Crevan.”

    He pauses. The quick dart of his curious eyes tells him she’s quivering too, from exertion perhaps? His nostrils flare, he inhales her to taste the residue of adrenaline, steps forward brazenly while another snarl echoes through his gut. “Fancy trick you have there, girl.” He hisses, anger finally beginning to take hold. “She thought she could just … blast me out of existence?” He thinks, a wild froth of saliva building on the edges of his pink gums.

    “But I’ve had about enough of you. Fight all you want - I find the challenge intriguing.” He barks, uninterested in her name or whereabouts. This tiny, powerful (beautiful?) girl was not his friend, nor was she his charge. She was to be his captive, and that was final. With the shake of bone pale shoulders, Crevan pads forward again until he finds the outline of her face to be sharp, focused.

    “I’ll either hunt you down before you get far, or you can consent to walk easily with me. Keep your questions bare and short. He offers in way of final warning.

    “Blast me again,” He thinks with the downturn of his peeled lips, all the while his eyes darken with ill humor though his tongue remains silent, “and I’ll kill you.”



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    RE: Growing pains are supposed to hurt - Crevan - by Crevan - 10-17-2017, 10:37 AM

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