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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME]


    I’ll have a reason good enough

    I’ll believe in you and trust

    On the day you finally see that the way you treated me

    Was a far cry from love

    The moment the brooding blackness of Offspring appears, the shadows finally seem to spread and part from their foggy graves. Gryffen ignores them for now, focused on his target. However she is unaware of her brother’s new “abilities” so when he, the one that had begun to put her heart on the mend (had cleansed her soul from the dirt and grime of the one before), appears before her… There is no reason to doubt his authenticity. He is too far away to feel the lack of heat, to realize she has been tricked and that her brother had become even more dangerous.

    ”Offspring” She breathes, her feathery wings straining against the thorns they are bound within, pinching and bleeding before him. Golden eyes wide as her jaw tightens with frustration, searching his red eyes for the flicker of fire she had grown to long for. Instead it’s an angry burn that meets her gilded gaze, making her heart flip and drop deep within her stomach. ”A sad story to what… Make me fall for you? Now look at you… Offering yourself freely to anyone at this shitshow?” Disdain spit between his clenched teeth, disgust smoldering in the red embers of his iris’s. ”How can you…” She starts, trying to show him the means of her captivity, that she was a prisoner and not a willing accomplice. He cuts her off, shaking his head and taking a step away from her.

    ”If this is what you want… Then you shall have it.” Taking another step back, two more come forward to take his place. To the female he simply answers with a quiet ”She’s all yours”. The male, with chaos raging in the endless abyss of it’s sockets, needs no encouragements, already stepping forward. She screams his name but “Offspring” had disappeared. Gryffen, back to his normal self, watches from behind the trees.

    ”OFFSPRING!” She cries again, unable to keep the tremble of despair from her usually steadfast voice. But he is gone. Curved lobes pin tightly to her skull as the brindle stallion creeps closer. Unable to tear her gaze from his even as the confusion dances across her features. Squirrels? Before she can give him a piece of her mind, her brain quiets as her blood runs cold. For a squirrel is now hanging in thin air before her, screaming and terrified.

    Her heart instantly begins to ache, as she looks from rodent to stallion. ”Please… Don’t.” She whispers, already knowing it’s too late. As the pebble and stick come to join the squirrel, begins to file itself down. ”Why are you doing this?” She hisses, anger and dread mixing together into a sickly mess within her. Then suddenly the sharp point is in the squirrel and she turns her head away, tears stinging her closed eyelids as she winces against the curdling screams she can’t block out. ”STOP!” She screams again and the squirrel falls quiet. Still she doesn’t look. Not until he asks her, Shall I undress you?

    There’s a sudden explosion of meat and blood, crimson droplets spraying across her chest. And then she is upside down, in a position she could never have dreamed of. She tries to fight, to put herself right side up, and only manages to cause herself more pain against her thorny bonds. From the shadows, Gryffen reappears but still keeps his distance. Fascinated by the strangers powers, wanting nothing more then to uncover their source.

    The stick prods into her side and she squirms, feeling the blood rush to her head. The whites of her eyes exposed, heart in her throat, silent…Suddenly flipped back to the way she should be. Disoriented… Until he begins to carve her apart like a jack o lantern. At first she tries to not give him the satisfaction of the pain but she can only keep silent for so long. Tearing at her flesh, ripping a part of her skin from her back, her screams muffled and drown out by the sounds of the drunk and disorderly. Still someone must hear for the pain is extreme and once he pries away her flesh, his trophy, she is left panting and shaking, bleeding and stinging, alone where she had started from. Gryffen had disappeared after the gruesome display, probably to discover more of this disturbed guest, leaving her with only Krone. A few angry tears find their way down her cheeks but she is still defiant and her neck snakes out, teeth snapping and lashing out at her in warning. She would not go down without a fight.


    Messages In This Thread
    Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME] - by Gryffen - 10-16-2017, 07:16 PM
    RE: Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME] - by Gryffen - 10-17-2017, 10:20 PM
    RE: Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME] - by Krone - 10-20-2017, 11:55 AM
    RE: Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME] - by Tantalize - 10-30-2017, 07:44 PM
    RE: Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME] - by Offspring - 10-30-2017, 10:43 PM
    RE: Bacchanalia [EVERY & ALL - PARTY TIME] - by Offspring - 11-02-2017, 11:14 PM

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