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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade away again [Offspring]


    She says she's ashamed

    And can she take me for awhile

    Can I be a friend

    We'll forget the past

    How badly she wants to believe him. ”I would never say that.” No, No you wouldn’t. I thought you wouldn’t. Even now she can remember the disdain reflected in the dark depths of flickering crimson. The same crimson that looks at her with bewilderment, a dark and stormy gaze that hints at the fire beneath his flesh and furrows a dark brow as he broods over her. How handsome his face is, contorted like that. How she fights between the urge to soften beneath that worry even as her outrage returns.

    Flicking her gaze away, to anything but him, only to have it reluctantly lured back to those smoldering embers. ”I never would have left..” And now she is the confused one. She saw him, she knew she had. It had been him… He had been there. Or maybe it had been a trick. It felt so real but now she starts to doubt herself. Doubt everything. Him, Them, Nerine. The world. ”Then who was it Offspring? Who waltzed up to me looking just like you?” She snaps but she is growing tired. Tired of everything that had happened. Tired of being a pawn in someone else’s game. Her words lack the sharpness, the biting sting.

    She can see the way his muscles quiver when he tries to speak of it, the fire that had drawn her. The anger that pulses beneath the broad ravaged plain of his chest. It’s barely there, sizzling smoke, and she can’t help the involuntary reflex to move closer to him, to the flames. That cleansing burn, addicted. She needs it. She needs him.

    No, she can’t. Trying to recoil back into herself but then… Then he is there. Pulling her close as his thick neck drapes protectively over her slender one. His touch singes but she melts into him, pressing her face into the broadness of his neck. Burrowing herself into the heat of his scent, like sage, breathing him in deeply and exhaling everything bad. Unable to stop the reaction her heart has when he is so close, pressed against her like this. The shortness of breath, the quickened pulse that thrums heavily with her need for him.

    Muttering her secret into his fur, meant to be said with anger but that’s fading… Fading… She doubts he even heard.

    ”Gryffen has no powers…” She whispers, eyes closed as he huskily murmurs in her ear. As she cuts the terror of the night to pieces and feeds them to his growing flames. ”I would not leave you…” She is still tense, still tight beneath his touch. ”I love you.” Freezing, eyes snapping wide open. To find his face, almost challenging him. To see through his soul, to find his heart and inspect it for lies. ”Don’t say things you think I want to hear..” Hard words that are lost in the shakiness of her quickly exhaled breath. Trying so hard to keep the last remaining bricks of her wall around her. He’s knocking it down, kicking each brick away. Leaving her unprotected, vulnerable, exposed.

    ”I’m not going anywhere..” They had all said that. All of them. How would this be any different? Clenching her jaw against the threatening onslaught of tears. ”Don’t do this to me Offspring..” She hisses, even as she feels the slight pressure in her abdomen. The reminder of what she had wanted, what she had clung to. Even as she can no longer pull away from him, balancing precariously on the cusp of a big decision.

    He already had her heart. He held it in his hands that moment he had reminded her of what she had been. The moment he had slipped inside her, the warm hearth of his fire raging through her darkness. The moment she had crumpled against his chest. She had been his. But she tries so hard to cling to her feelings, to control them and protect them from the pain that surely would come. Bit by bit they slip, as his muzzle traces along her jaw. ”Offspring…” Lost between a moan and a whisper as she loses hold of her resolve.


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    RE: All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade away again [Offspring] - by Tantalize - 11-04-2017, 11:58 PM

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