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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    between the shadows and the soul - all kingdom

    There is much to be heard. Though they are few in number, they do not lack for things to discuss. Straia responds to his topic of the lost mare. The little silver dapple who needed a lesson or two on navigation. He stands rather stoic until she finishes, features trained in on her and her words. He shakes his bay crown, coarse tendrils of charcoal flapping about, "You're right, I agree that it would be rather a waste of time. I don't see much sense in tracking her down, only that you might know they may have had intentions of seeking our favor. I think I 'll let the Gates tend to their own, if they can." They were right to do so, he thought. If the silver was any example they probably could use allegiance with those that held a backbone, but why  should the Chamber even offer one? No, there was nothing of gain that he could see, so he chose to decline. He was surprised to be allowed such a decision, he had already earned some faith to be placed in him, and he was feeling pleased with himself. 

    He is offered also, several congratulations. He nods, his thanks and acknowledgement, he was growing to like his herd mates very much. Killdare had never really had friends, he had perhaps had a few in his platoon back home, that he preferred over others. None though that he had found himself seeking out the company of, none that he had real concern over after their days training or the fight was done. Yes, perhaps that was what this was. Erebor has much to offer in the way of the world, and he is not disappointed. He thinks best our allies were to be sought with the Velley, Tundra, Amazons, or the Desert. Having not been to any of them, any input from him on that matter would be irrelevant. The boy is smart, far smarter than him. 

    Encouragement is met with a simple nod, they were to keep mocks and steals with the Falls friendly. Sure, why not he could do that. So long as they did, he thought sassily. If indeed they got too grabby with the Chamber, he would be sure to return the favor. Others were however, open game. All except the Valley. Now that was more to his interest. He had been trying his hand at steals, though had yet to be successful. The other herds, though few, had kept a vigilant eye on their borders. Blocking his attempts, much to his frustration. He did, however make his own blocks, they had wanted to be off with their Head Diplomat. Well he could not allow that now could he? Negative. He was pleased to barrel in, and give chase to the intruder. He would need to do better at recruiting, though he had thus far refrained. He wasn't one for pretty words, he wouldn't know what to say. Maybe he could just tag along with one of the others, or maybe he would just have to give it his best. All they could do was say no right? He didn't wan't them to say no though, it was different here. The lands, the lords, they recruited herds. Invitation to come see if the place was of their liking. Back home he would have given them their first scrape and sent them running to his father. Join up, or check out. Not much in the way for choices, but  it was the way of the world. At least, parts of the world.

    "Friendly competion? Hmmm, whatever they say." he raised a brow. He thought it a bit odd for the Deserts to open themselves up in such a way. However nice you might play, there was always room for vulnerability. Erebor seemed to be on the fence about his opinions of their leader as well. Another Queen. He wondered what had made her so comfortable even allowing so many into their borders? Did she have some certain protection? Perhaps their numbers were far greater than their own, posing ample threat to outsiders who might seek attack on their realm. He would keep his guard up, surely there were those not all that inclined to keep things civil. He wanted to take part absolutely, "When do we start? Send me where you will." He almost danced in place, the commander of their small army he had yet to see, so naturally he turned to her for direction. He loved the Chamber, it had woven its roots tightly around him, but a bit of adventure? That, he was always up for.

    Dutiful Soldier|Captain of the Chamber


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    RE: between the shadows and the soul - all kingdom - by Killdare - 07-01-2015, 05:39 PM

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