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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The evening sighs, so close your eyes and tell me what you see- Amorette, any
    like the sun swallowed up by the earth
    The stallion beside her immediately moves to occupy the space between Warrick’s position on the shore and Amorette’s position in the warm spring. The gesture surprises Warrick, and his brows rise curiously as he pulls his head towards himself, ears flicking back casually. He perhaps has stumbled upon an intimate moment between the two, but the bay-winged stallion watches the bronzed stranger with a pensive, gentle stare as he tries to place why he would react to his presence in such a way. It does not take Warrick long to notice that the man, who remains unnamed until Amorette gently introduces him, can hear the rustling of his great wings and the sound of his voice, but his eyes do not meet Warrick’s steely blue gaze despite his strong demeanor and obvious intent to do so. The man is blind, and Warrick would be shocked if he did not react the way that he did by putting himself between Amorette and whatever stands upon the shore.

    It impresses him, and the look in Warrick’s eyes shows it.

    The way Amorette touches his shoulder - a tender gesture, however fleeting - Warrick wonders if this is the ‘patient’ she had spoken about to him on the volcano, where she learned of her healing powers. It would make sense - their closeness, the protectiveness. He smiles at Amorette as she stretches from the warmth of the waters to bump noses with him in greeting, meeting her halfway and returning the gesture. His ears prick forward as she introduces him to the buckskin - Bragi - and briefly explains his way of arrival. A chuckle reverberates in his chest, his chin bobbling amusedly. “Welcome, Bragi,” he tells the man with a light and warm voice (one that hopefully he would learn to recognize). “Tephra has an odd way of choosing her residents. She has brought you here for a reason - and Amorette has not chased you out, so you must belong here in some way.”

    The Overseer is smiling boldly at him, despite his inability to see him. “Are you looking to stay here, with us, Bragi?”

    @[Bragi] @[Amorette]

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    RE: The evening sighs, so close your eyes and tell me what you see- Amorette, any - by Warrick - 01-18-2018, 06:05 PM

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