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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any]

    The pain is beyond her words, each call becoming dimmer. Fading like a flame, the wick nearing it's end. So far only a foreleg and the head had begun to emerge from her, her cries leaking into the fresh green spring grass. Not even her favorite shoots of delicate clover could bring her happiness now, her head cradled up against such a patch.

    It moments before someone slips from the shadows, emerges from the tree cover and approaches her. To Wichita, it feels like forever. Every passing contraction feels worse than the last, coming quicker and clinging to her tightly. A more traverses the grasses, stopping so very near her, so close but so far away it feels.

    Wichita thought that maybe she was dying, if but for a moment. The mare she looked up at was the same smokey hue, her locks fell from her neck in flaxen hues. It was in her pain ridden delerium, that she had confused the face looking back at he, for herself. One that lacked the tell-tale snip that adorned the end of Wichita's maw. Forgetting how very different they looked from each other, at this time.

    This new comer, this reflection looks as if she does not know quite what to do. She cries for help, an awkward out of place voice calling into the distance, before melody tilts from her lips. Gentle, gentle notions meant to soothe. Notions that seemed so alien to the mare that whispered them, she realizing if for seconds, that she was someone.

    The pale yellow femme breathes heavily, recieving a kind touch. She closes her eyes trying to relax, wanting to relax. "Stay.Please, just stay."She spoke so softly, as though she could not afford to expend such energy. She didnt know who the female was, and she didnt care. So long as she remained like this, comforted her when she had been pulled so deeply into the abyss. She  tries again, and again, and again. Straining her upper body as she lifts it, before again rocking and falling to her side. Each noise that flows from her diaphragm, is primal, is before time and long before gods and the earth. Instinct, purpose, the ruckus emerges to sweep away each pang, as she pushes for all that she is. Rewarded by the sudden slippage of everything wet and warm from her hind quarters.

    She can feel life, squirm behind her, bouncing against her legs. It tears through with gangling limbs,it's dial shaking, the world so new and different. A shock. Wichita knows that now, before this, everything else in her life had been meaningless. Every other suffering had been trivial, just a passing inconvenience. Her greatest reward had come, blinking into the sunlight, eyes like a copper penny.


    Aspiring Diplomat of the Gates

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    RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - by Wichita - 07-08-2015, 12:58 PM

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