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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  [MATURE]Nuage.

    Nuage knows. He knows very well that Nihlus might hurt him, in fact, he is pretty sure he would be hurt at one point. But to him the risk is worth it, Nihlus is worth it, because that what they have is amazing. The tall dark male compliments him in so many ways, and Nu had simply fallen for him hard. All what was left to do now, was to convey it to Nihlus.

    His hands still gently lay on Nihlus’ cheeks, slowly sliding back. His thumbs end up just before Nih’s ears, and his other fingers gently follow the curve of the man’s neck.

    Nuage cannot help but to smile, their lips still locked, but that hadn’t stopped his lover from saying those three very special words. He pulls back, just far enough for their eyes to meet, and smiles. ”I love you too” he answers softly, suddenly all shy and glancing down. Feeling and conveying your feelings was one thing, speaking them out loud a whole different one. Nu finds his escape in pressing their lips together again, with Nihlus pressed back on the ground and Nuage straddling him. His back arches under his lover’s touch, almost challenging the man to scratch his back, to own him. At the same time he grinds back, and the whole exchange makes Nu’s cheeks flush.

    When lifted up, his arms automatically wrap themselves around Nihlus’ neck. Soft laugher escapes past his lips, and although his eyes are still teary, his smile reaches them too. He leans in to quickly peck Nih’s lips, then lets himself fall backwards on the back, scooting up to make room for the taller male.

    There is not a single part of his mind that thinks of turning around. Nuage wants Nihlus in his arms as much as Nihlus wants to meet his gaze. The idea makes the blood rush to his cheeks, and to his dick. Oh yes, Nih always had him hard in no time. Today is not different. As he gazes up into a pair of faintly glowing blue eyes – shy through his lashes – he welcomes his lover between his spread legs. The world is back to just the two of them, nobody else, and Nuage is very much aware of their racing heartbeats.

    His eyes widen, and lips part in  a silent gasp, as he realises Nihlus is about to penetrate him just like that, without any preparation. This has him swallowing, insecure eyes searching his lover’s. Nuage does not voice out his concern, but fuck, even though he does trust Nihlus, that does not mean the idea of raw intrusion – no lube or preparation – is fucking scary. He just doesn’t have the heart to ruin the moment.

    Nihlus’ lips offer a welcome distraction. Just be sure, he also wraps his legs around his lover’s waist, able to keep him in place like this, so Nuage is allowed to adjust. Taking a cock was one thing, but taking one without any help is something whole different. Tears cling to his lashes, but Nu attempts to hide them by pressing his face in Nih’s neck. His breath is shallow and quick, and his body shudders against Nihlus’. ”Gimme a moment, please..”

    Some time later, a light buck of his hips is enough to tell Nihlus that he is good to go. His hold on Nih’s neck slips a little, allowing their lips to meet again. By then Nuage is softly moaning into his lover’s mouth.

    Each slide home brings Nuage closer to paradise. With the pain gone, the pleasure rocks his body. Sadly enough Nihlus strong hand, and the pressure on Nu’s hip, pins him to the bed. All Nuage can do is take it, his back arching and soft moans spilling from his parted lips. His cheeks are rosy and he is barely able to keep his eyes open. He only fights it because Nihlus had said that he wanted to look into his eyes.

    ”Fuck.” The ungracious curse slips past the barrier of his lips before he can stop it. Instantly Nuage’s hips are bucking again, searching more friction by bucking into Nihlus’ palm as his moans turn up a notch. Just a few more pumps and he’s trashing, squirming underneath his lover, desperately altering to meet both Nihlus’ trusts and to press feverishly into the hand that is bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

    Because is close. It shows in his trusts, that have lost all the rhythm, but also in the expression upon his features. His lips are parted, and the muscles of his abdomen are rock hard. Just as his cock, that is oozing pre-cum already. ”Niiiiih~” he almost whines, hips bucking harder and harder. ”I’m so clooose, please, please may I come?”

    Because no sub dared to come without permission. And although Nuage liked to challenge Nihlus from time to time, today was no such day.


    I wanted it to be you

    [Image: Nuage.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    [MATURE]Nuage. - by Nihlus - 02-28-2018, 02:03 AM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nuage - 02-28-2018, 01:34 PM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nihlus - 03-01-2018, 01:26 AM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nuage - 03-01-2018, 03:49 PM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nihlus - 03-12-2018, 02:03 AM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nuage - 03-12-2018, 12:50 PM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nihlus - 03-12-2018, 01:23 PM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nuage - 03-12-2018, 02:07 PM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nihlus - 03-14-2018, 01:06 AM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nuage - 03-14-2018, 03:16 PM
    RE: Nuage. - by Nihlus - 05-29-2018, 04:34 PM
    RE: [MATURE]Nuage. - by Nuage - 05-29-2018, 05:46 PM
    RE: [MATURE]Nuage. - by Nihlus - 05-31-2018, 03:42 AM
    RE: [MATURE]Nuage. - by Nuage - 06-04-2018, 04:32 PM

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