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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    dry eyes in the pouring rain || sabra & any
    The smoky woman's obstinate temper seems unlikely to be placated. With a shrug and a smile, the queen didn't push any further. Suit yourself. Warrick didn't seem to have a problem with her, seemed grateful for the pregnant mare's presence even. Had he quietly taken on a consort? 

    The Tephran ruler responded to her thoughtfully. He was gentle. Much more so than herself. This conversation was illustrating things that the pale woman wasn't sure she wanted to think about. Sabra was many things. Brave, tenacious, confident, protective of those who found a place in her heart. On the other side of the coin, she was stubborn to a fault, controlling, vain, and deeply mistrustful of... everything. In contrast to the pair who stood before her, she felt something she didn't usually feel. She felt lacking. 

    Swallowing the unexpected hardness in her throat, she nodded to Warrick's words, which had echoed Amorette's earlier ones. "I would much rather be allies than enemies. I have not been a queen long, as you are aware. But... yes, I would like to know you better, Warrick. And you, Amorette. I'm sure there is much you could teach me." Her head dipped in unaccostumed humility. There was no point in nettling those who would stand with her.

     A small smile teased the corners of her lips, brightening her otherwise serious expression. "Very well. I will take your words, my lord. Please... don't give me a reason to regret it." She finished softly. Her stance was strong, upright and elegant. The only outward indication of the effort that sentence had cost was the unusually dark light in her aqua eyes. There was obvious trust and respect between the two visitors. Affection, even. She envied that more than she cared to admit. 

    @[Warrick] @[Amorette]

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    RE: dry eyes in the pouring rain || sabra & any - by Sabra - 03-28-2018, 05:30 PM

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