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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Porcia was hanging by the beach when she heard the whinny of another, it sounded like Hestia and of course she went to investigate. Her ears did not lie, it was in fact Hestia, but what did shock Porcia was it appeared she was calling a Kingdom meeting. Was she the Queen? she has looked up to Hestia like a mother, bonded to the mare and all this time has past she did not know she was queen. She feels embarrassed that she had loved Nerine so much but did not know her own queen was her closest friend.

    None the less, she finds a spot amongst the others, this is the first time she is seeing most of these equines and she scans over each of them silently, but curiously. Her head flicks from scanning the crowd to Hestia as she begins to speak, she offers a greeting and she smiles in return, as if she was speaking directly to Porcia. Hestia notes it has been a year since the last meeting, although Porcia was not apart of Nerine at that time. She moves in to announce Scorch and Walter as the diplomat and warrior leaders. She scans to find Scorch as she begins to talk, Porcia hopes to speak to her at some time, hopeful to do more for the kingdom as a diplomat.

    Her attention flicks from Scorch back to Hestia, she talks about the kingdoms alliances, and how they will be trading foals in a couple kingdoms. It sounded interesting, and she hoped to be able to meet the foals once they arrive in the kingdom. She moves into talking about Ischia, and how the kingdom wants to bring back the brotherhood from the Tundra and the sisters from the Amazon. She was but a foal when these kingdoms were disbanded so she just listens and looks around to the others as they chatter amongst themselves. Hestia then talks about how a horse from Ischia wants to challenge the current ruler for there spot, she did not know Ischia personally but the thought of dethroning a ruler hurts her heart. She thinks about it happening to Hestia and she knows she would be heart broken of the betrayal, but it was not her kingdom and it was not Hestia.

    Lastly, Hestia wraps up the meeting discussing she will be looking for a Heir. Again her heart aches, the thought of losing Hestia is unbareable, but for the sake of Nerine she understands. Her closing remarks she speaks of a new elite spies for the kingdom. Porcia thinks carefully, does she want to do this? It is definitely something of interest to her, but could she deceive others? But if it was for Nerine she could do it easily. Her gaze scans to an ebony mare who speaks up first of the new rank. She listens as she lists the reasons why she should be apart of the spies. Porcia wastes no time and steps up Hestia she speaks nervously I would like to volunteer for the Elite Spies, I get along easily with others. I do not think they would be able to tell that I was a spy, but merely trying to be there friend. She has never used her kindness deceitfully, but if it was for Nerine. Also, I will do anything for Nerine, if you give me a task, I will ensure it is completed. I am good at following orders. Her heart was beating, all eyes were on her. Equines she has never met, and some probably doubted her capabilities as she was so young. But she wanted to do this, she would carry out her diplomatic position but if chosen she would be a spy as Hestia requested.

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    KINGDOM MEETING - by Hestia - 03-30-2018, 01:49 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Scorch - 03-30-2018, 03:29 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Lewana - 03-30-2018, 05:58 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Porcia - 03-31-2018, 07:42 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Philomena - 04-01-2018, 11:39 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Starlin - 04-01-2018, 06:22 PM
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    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Walter - 04-01-2018, 07:17 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Nayl - 04-02-2018, 08:33 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Sloene - 04-02-2018, 12:10 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Breckin - 04-05-2018, 07:47 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Nymf - 04-07-2018, 07:10 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - by Hestia - 04-13-2018, 05:17 PM

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